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10 months ago

No. They are people whose emotions are more intense, more easily erasable and longer lasting. They are people who have often made extremely unfavorable experiences with reference persons in biography (often they do not understand how to deal effectively with their strong emotions, as, for example, the reference persons have acted invalidatingly. I.e. that they have twisted the feelings of the Borderliner, denounced it or obedientized it. Other possible unfavorable experiences are sexual abuse, violence, etc. Traumatizations can also often be found in the biographies of Borderliners).

If you have had such interpersonal experiences, it can be that you have as basic assumptions as:
– I can’t trust other people.
– Other people are cross-border and take what they want. They don’t take consideration of me.
Others don’t care about me, I don’t care about others.
– Relationships are basically unstable: people who have to do with me are actually away.

And if one has such assumptions, then a corresponding interaction behavior also develops: On the one hand, a strong desire for relationship, on the other hand extreme anger as soon as something goes in the direction as it used to be (as soon as the partner or partner is inattentive – then immediately this “I’m different doesn’t matter” – experience up and you get angry).

These are not bad people, but if you have had certain experiences, it is difficult to be different than they are.
There are also positive aspects: Borderliners often get very fine with what is going on with others. The intensity of the emotions can in principle also be something positive – this is a bit like sitting on a wild horse that can turn through at any time while others sit on a normal horse. But when you learn to control this wild horse, intense emotions can in principle also be exciting.

It should be noted that each Borderliner is individual. This is just a rough sketch, which can be done mentally what I wrote.

10 months ago

Gives such and such. As with healthy people, I always find it funny to say “healthy people”. In any case there are Borderliners who are real monasteries, but there are also very empathic, loving, warm, helpful and caring Borderliners. Sometimes, they even have a very pronounced sensitivity/feariness and can easily get into others. Borderliners are often complicated. That’s true.

10 months ago

No, they can’t do anything for their serious disorder.

Nevertheless, they can be totally annoyed and tyrants.

10 months ago

No, these are people who are ill due to a generally traumatic experience and need tolerance and support from society. However, a relationship with a person with emotionally unstable personality disorder from the Borderline type US is hardly possible.

10 months ago

No, just difficult people.

10 months ago
