Sind Bitcoin ETFs?
Hallo liebe Community ich habe eine Frage und zwar was sind Bitcoin, etherium ETFs langfristig eine gute Investition
Hallo liebe Community ich habe eine Frage und zwar was sind Bitcoin, etherium ETFs langfristig eine gute Investition
Bin am recherchieren ob Hebel Trading haram ist, bzw. ob dort Gebühren anfallen wo Zinsen drinsind (Swing Trading, USDT-M) Futures Weiss das wer vielleicht?
Guten Tag in die Runde! Ich interessiere mich für die Verrechnung von Kapitalertragssteuer aus Aktiengewinnen und Aktienverlusten. Folgendes Beispiel: Aus Aktiengewinnen wurden in 2023 beispielsweise Steuern in Höhe von € 1.000 abgeführt, da der Sparen-Pauschbetrag bereits erschöpft war. Wenn man nun kurz vorm Jahresende noch eine Aktien mit einem Verlust von € 2.000 verkauft, wie…
Bei Anträgen ab dem 12.12.2023 können wir Ihnen die derzeitigen Zinssätze nicht mehr gewährleisten. Die Zinssätze sind bis zu 0,50% reduziert worden.
Soll man nur einen EtF mit einer Banchmark kaufen oder ist die egal.Man muss beim Kauf auf andere Sachen schauen.
Muss man Krypto auch versteuern, wenn man nicht über 600€ auf einmal umwandelt sondern weniger und den Rest dann später? Ich habe nicht investiert sondern von einem Kollegen so viel Krypto bekommen und da stelle ich mir die Frage ob ich es auch versteuern muss wenn ich es nicht durch Investitionen bekommen hab
Die Frage ist ob man das Geld planbar anlegt und entnimmt oder riskant eine monatliche Entnahme wagt.
That is what many currently think and hope for increasing courses.
Otherwise, the urge to buy Bitcoin ETFs would not be so big!
Bitcoin/Etherium are no ETFs they are cryptocurrencies and thus they have an extreme volatility (climb and fall quickly)
ETF are stock corporations more or less and buy a part of the shares they contain. You don’t have these shares directly, but you have the ETF.
I therefore also have a consultation with ner bank to achieve long-term profits and perhaps as a savings facility
Ne Bank always wants to turn your own stuff (from trading partners) so don’t let anything batter you.
ETF are not just shares bundles you can buy exactly other things with it.
No Bitcoin is a free decentralized digital currency.
However, there are ETFs in other countries (USA quite up-to-date) that are deposited with Bitcoin.
This is not allowed in Germany.
For this, there are ETNs to buy in Germany.
Luckily I have real coins at Trade Republic and hope for a high price
At TR you don’t have the Coins. Therefore, you don’t have Bitcoin, but if at all, TR. And if they are really “real” you don’t even know or can’t test it. That’s why I wouldn’t keep BTC. There have often been cases where it turned out that there was money on the paper that was not there (see Wirecard). If the hype goes off and the price of Bitcoin rises properly, then it could be a painful “test”. And no in this case you are not insured about TR because they only assure your investment amount and not the value they should have.
They really belong to you only when you’re holding them on your own wallet…
But it can be easy that you just don’t get it. Insolvency can take time and it wouldn’t be worth the stress. Especially because bitcoin can rise very strongly.
If TR goes broke or cannot pay for other reasons then yes. That’s why you should always keep your coins.
Speaking I made over 100,000 euros could it be that I never had the money or lost a part?
But if it is possible to earn with BTC then it is ok
Super for this is Bitcoin not thought…
I can act with them and so
ETFs themselves are property values, cryptocurrencies are not.
You can dine.
I think he means the BlackRock Bitcoin ETFs.
This is too non-specific but if I need answers to what I then have ETF a the rest not
Have Bitcoin assets at trade Republic and also consider matching ETFs to get with couple of shares
As you said, your statements are too little context to really say something.
The most important questions you should answer for what is the money. What’s the plan? How long does it last? What expenses do I have in the future and can happen that I need the money. Am I willing to lose all the capital or much of it?
How do I see my financial reserves that I have on any daily money accounts or something?
Such things.