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Yes. For bio, 260 pages of pesticides are allowed.
But not artificial.
But they are, but with other means than conventional cultivation of vegetables.
Whether you’re buying organic vegetables or not you’re left to yourself. Bio is absolutely not important to me, but I rather look at whether it comes from the surrounding region or not (I mean buying the most directly from the farmer a few places). Because the organic from abroad is better than the conventional neighboring village I dare to doubt something.
They are not sprayed with chemical-synthetic plant protection agents.
But plant protection products of plant, animal, microbial or mineral origin such as copper, sulphur, beeswax, vegetable oils, etc. are allowed.
Ok I only eat organic fruits and vegetables
I’ve been doing this for years.
In any case, not with artificial pesticides.
but with “natural”? What are natural, for example??
Sulphur, beeswax, vegetable oils
Do you think I should just buy organic fruits and vegetables, what I read about pesticides and everything about it, and it’s a bit regrettable to be honest I want to eat
Of course everyone can do as he wants. But the pesticides are not harmful to health. Many are, for example, less toxic than the dishwashing agent, with which the plates are washed. It is also very little used. And there are waiting times where the active ingredient is degraded. If you are unhealthy, for example sweets, this is much worse than the tiny amount of pesticides.
Alcohol and cigarettes are 1000 times worse.
I think that if you can, it should be possible to dispense with fruit and vegetables that are used with pesticides. However, I do not consider the pesticides approved in DE to be so harmful to health that I would have to avoid them under all circumstances.
That’s wrong. Organic carrots can be sprayed completely normally from above (the green).
This is regulated for many vegetables, which parts may be treated and which are not.
The parts which are usually eaten must not be sprayed.
The green is actually eaten by many people.
Often, edible parts, for example, may no longer be sprayed for a certain period before the harvest in order to be considered as organic.
As I said, for many varieties everything is regulated.