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2 years ago

Putting out his child is illegal. A baby flap itself, however, not.

Just because you can put out a child there, that doesn’t make the baby flap illegal and putting out is not legal.

Just like an ashtray on site does not raise a smoking ban. In aircraft toilets, for example, ashtrays are only in the event that one smokes against the ban, that one has a place to place safely.

So such a baby flap is not a legitimation to lay a child, but in doubt for the baby is better and healthier than to put it in the garbage or so on the road.

Just like Fixerstuben in some cities aren’t there to legalize drugs. These are all just “emergency solutions” that improve the situation a little, OBWOHL people do illegal things.

2 years ago

No, you’re not criminal when you put your baby in a baby flap.

As you ask in a comment on the notification obligation:

The baby flap is legally a gray zone. And it is exclusively intended for babies who came to the world during an unaccompanied single birth and whose mother had to hide pregnancy from her surroundings.

For if other persons were present at birth (related, midwife, etc.) the reporting obligation would also extend to these persons.

That is why the much better alternative, if before birth it is already established that a woman does not want to keep the child, is the confidential birth. The mother is then also medically supplied; it can bear anonymously, but its data will be stored. So the child, when it gets 16 years old, can learn who his mother is.

2 years ago

Juristische Bewertung[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Nach § 16 des Personenstandsgesetzes (PStG) muss die Geburt eines Kindes innerhalb einer Woche dem Standesamt angezeigt werden, wobei stets der Name der Mutter anzugeben ist (§ 21 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 PStG). Die Verletzung der Anzeigepflicht stellt grundsätzlich eine Ordnungswidrigkeit dar und kann auch den Straftatbestand der Personenstandsfälschung in der Form der Personenstandsunterdrückung nach § 169 StGB erfüllen. Anzeigepflichtig nach § 17 PStG sind neben Mutter und Vater alle Personen, die bei der Entbindung zugegen waren. Strafbarkeit kann ebenfalls nach § 170 StGB (Verletzung der Unterhaltspflicht) vorliegen und entfällt erst bei Adoption.[17][18] Ob die Tat durch den rechtfertigenden Notstand gemäß StGB gerechtfertigt ist, ist umstritten.[19] (siehe: Anonyme Geburt#Deutschland)

Bisher sind mehrere Anläufe gescheitert, eine gesetzliche Regelung für den Umgang mit Babyklappen und den dort abgelegten Kindern zu erreichen. Hinderungsgründe für die angestrebte Regelung waren familien- und verfassungsrechtliche Bedenken, die das Persönlichkeitsrecht der anonym abgegebenen Kinder bedroht sahen, denn es ist ein Grundrecht eines jeden Kindes, seine wahre Herkunft zu erfahren. Aus diesem Grund fordern einige Parteien, die Babyklappen zu schließen und stattdessen nach anderen Lösungen zu suchen.[20]

Babyklappe – Wikipedia

2 years ago

Well, even if the baby flap is not a dream solution, I would prefer them to other options that are otherwise used.

2 years ago

No, you’re not punishable.

The child is not exposed! It is passed – anonymously. By the way, this can also be done without a flap in any hospital where you can even bear anonymously. Thus, there must be no risk of homebirth

2 years ago

No. Not punishable.

2 years ago

It’s legal. She’s here for that. But no publishing children 😂

2 years ago
Reply to  zocker0796


2 years ago

No, that’s why they do.

2 years ago

No, you’re not punishable.

For this, baby flaps were set up to make themselves NOT punishable.

A child just to put out somewhere, that would be a crime.

2 years ago

Baby flaps are annonymous. Thus, the mother cannot be accounted for

2 years ago
Reply to  Butterblume969

The mother remains anonymous and says nothing.

2 years ago
Reply to  Butterblume969

nothing – this then takes over the hospital

2 years ago

I’m just jealous when you give a strange baby in there.