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Fahrstunde Ausbildungsvertrag?
Hallo und zwar zahle ich akutell 60€ die Fahrstunde Aber Im Vertrag steht 45€ jetzt zahle ich seit anfang an ständig mehr Muss die Fahrschule sich nach dem Vertrag richtigen oder können die sich einfach Die Preise erhöhen wegen der Inflation Benzinpreise???
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of course are NOT free
The disassemble the cars, dispose them and core business is that they achieve profit through the sale of the parts in order to pay the employees, etc.
No, there’s always something you pay for, because the junkyard lives. The prices are only a fraction compared to new parts.
The parts are to be paid, of course, as the junkyard must also be profitable. In most cases, however, it is very costly within the framework, whereby comparisons are worthwhile. There are also unsettled businessmakers who are sometimes close to the new part and hope that the customer does not know the new prices: comparison is worth it!
However, small parts can be free of charge depending on the place, sometimes they have been given to me as a “discount” or left for a donation in the coffee box – for example when I needed a switching bill for my old Audi 100, which is still good to me. I got him.
Of course not 🤦
No, they’re not.
Not usually
With the sale of the parts, the scrap dealer earns his money. The butcher does not give away his sausages for free
No, of course not
Of course not!
Unprobably. The junkyard owners want to live.