Sind Asiaten wegen der Nahrung so schlau?
Ist es, weil sie sich gesund ernähren und eher keine fettlastige Nahrung zu sich nehmen, wie zmb. Fischgerichte usw.?
Ist es, weil sie sich gesund ernähren und eher keine fettlastige Nahrung zu sich nehmen, wie zmb. Fischgerichte usw.?
Hey, habe mal eine frage usnw. habe ich in einem Rezept gesehen ,dass man hafermehl braucht, kann ich einfach haferflocken in den mixen machen und mixen ? oder soll ich lieber normales Mehl verwenden
Hab heute morgen nur 1 großes Brötchen Baguette gegessen. Bis jetzt vor dem Mittagessen, 3x große Toilettengänge. Ist das zuviel oder bilde ich mir das nur ein ? Ich muss immer sehr oft am Tag.
Also ich lebe jetzt schon seit mittlerweile 5-6 Jahren vegetarisch und meine Schwäche sind Fische. Die sind super schön in der Natur, aber leider auch Geschmacklich sehr gut. Als ich noch kein Vegetarier war, ist mir wichtig gewesen woher der Fisch stammt. Mein Vater war Angler, als Kind/Jugendlicher habe ich die Begeisterung meines Vaters sehr…
Eine Gesunden Ernährung sind frische Kräuter unverzichtbar. Wer verwendet dies?!?
According to a new study, Austrians are particularly smart. Austrians are particularly intelligent. The ranking is led by the Scandinavian states of Sweden, Norway and Iceland.
On the one hand, there are proven IQ test methods designed to drastically cut people from non-Western cultures. And on the other hand, Asians and white Europeans are not smarter than the rest of humanity. But IQ research uses measurement instruments that make Asians and Europeans look smarter.
Nowadays, more and more meat is eaten in Asia, because meat has become a symbol of prosperity and status in Asia. Whoever cannot afford meat has brought it to nothing in life.
Diabetes mellitus type 2 comes with increasing prosperity when people feed and move too little. In China, not only the economy is growing rapidly, but also the number of diabetics.
Researchers also discovered that the consumption of animal protein – in particular in the form of meat – increases the risk of developing diabetes type 2 . Egg consumption is also predominantly associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular diseases for people with type 2 diabetes.
However, plant protein seems to be protected from diabetes. If you choose herbal protein sources instead of meat, you rarely suffer from diabetes.
It is important to avoid generalizations about a certain group of people, as the knowledge, beliefs and practices of the individual people within a specific population can differ greatly. Even if some Asians have a deep understanding of food and nutrition, this does not necessarily apply to all Asians or any other group.
Nevertheless, it is right that many Asian cultures place great emphasis on food and their importance for health. The traditional Asian diet is usually rich in a variety of nutrient-rich foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grain products and lean proteins.
In addition, in many Asian culinary traditions, a great deal of emphasis is placed on the preparation, cooking techniques and presentation of food, which can improve the taste and nutritional value of food.
To sum up, it can be said that although it is important not to make any flat-rate statements about a particular group of people, many Asian cultures traditionally place great emphasis on good nutrition and the role that food can play in maintaining health.
they are more disciplined, the parents insist on good education. But can also lie to other things, am itself asian
It depends more on the education system and the most severe parents.
It always comes to the person.
I don’t think so.
More diligent, more greedy, more whistling.
Look at the map and check out what’s all about Asia.
And then re-engineer.
Asians eat some fish. For example, that they are often gifted in mathematics has genetic reasons.
Especially Indians.
Who are Asians for you? Asia consists only of 51 countries.
And not all eat healthy and mainly fish.
Right. There are a lot of veggies in Asia for religious reasons.
Would it not be easier and more comprehensible to call these Asian countries on their behalf instead of saying/write a flat-rate Asia?
In India there are many Hindus, many of which are vegetarians. Buddhists there are many throughout Asia who are vegetarians.
I just see how formed you are. Then ask yourself exactly about these “procedures” in the religion you suspect, which you do not call the name. Good evening.
Why? The educated people know what vegetarian food is for religions in Asia.
Drill 😉