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Currently, the AMD processors are quite clearly better, which is primarily Intel’s merit. They are currently struggling with poor efficiency and thus high current consumption and waste heat, and the 13th and 14th generation also has problems with unstable or self-destructive processors. Until Intel gets these problems under control, you cannot recommend Intel processors at the moment.
And if Intel eliminates itself from the race, only AMD remains in this area. Their efficiency is good, there are no major problems known and the prices are okay. The latest generation of AMD (Ryzen 9000) has given little enthusiasm, as compared to previous generation (7000) it has hardly shown any improvements. However, since the 7000 generation was quite good, it is no longer tragic. This is mainly about the issue of price-performance ratio, when buying a current AMD processor, you should consider both the 7000 models and 9000 models, as the 7000s might get the almost identical performance at a lower price.
Yeah, I’m playing with someone online. The i9 CPU has also broken.
Ouch. Let’s hope he gets replaced.
At least I are currently No similar serious problems known by AMD CPUs as they are for the Intel processors of the 13th and 14th Generation currently in the press: and-13000-New-BIOS-Updates-bis-Juli-9769595.html and-14-generation-um-wei-jahre-verlaengert/
currently amd. intel, however, can show their next cpu generation whether they still have it. certain models of the current and last intel core i generation, on the other hand, are incorrect.
Just the Amd Ryzen Cpus are better because Intel have great problems with the 13/14 generation. In addition, an Intel processor is harder to cool than Amd.
Currently AMD.
The Intel processors that are good are no longer after 2 months