Sind Amazon Helme gut ?

Hey ,

Ich hab da mal ne frage und zwar hab ich den Nolan N 91 und ich bin auch zufrieden mit dem, aber ich finde kein verspiegeltes Visier für den. Dann hab ich auf Amazon geguckt und dann seh ich den Broken Head Helm mit schwarzen visier und ich finde den ganz geil. Das ist der selbe den ich auf insta schon mal bei jemanden gesehen habe. Jetzt frage ich mich ob der aich Unfall sicher ist weil er mit 120 Euro relativ günstig ist und von amazon und nicht von Louis oder so.

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5 years ago

Dark and mirrored visors are often not permitted for road traffic because ZU dark for night trips or certain warning signs.

Cheap helmets are safe first. They are loud, gigantic and age faster. Had such a cheap TEil, that started snoring after two years.

It is a lottery game to buy on the internet helmets. Helmets that do not fit exactly are not safe! Go to the store!

5 years ago
Reply to  BackupBone

Dark and mirrored visors are often not permitted for road traffic because ZU dark for night trips or certain warning signs.

However, as far as I know, this is only a guarantee from the manufacturers against insurance claims.

I don’t understand too dark for warning signs. What do you mean? I always wear a very dark Visir, which I carry only on the day (for night trips then a correspondingly bright one). Improves the view enormously when the sun shines, as I generally suffer from dry eyes and respond to the bright light more sensitively.

5 years ago

I had a tinted one. Never again. Just when dark it is very obscure, or you drive in the forest with changing light conditions. Then prefer a sun visor

5 years ago

It’s not that bad with me. During the day it is great if it gets dark then of course it is no longer possible. But then I also have n bright. Through the forest I had no problems with the dark Visir, you see everything very well.

5 years ago
Reply to  DebugMyMind

That would be too cumbersome. Then you’d rather have a lever and let the sun visor down

5 years ago

Yes, I understand. With me it doesn’t fit completely with the glasses and the sun visor always hits.