Sind alle Motorenöle 5W 30 gleich?

Habe letztes Jahr ein Opel Corsa C gekauft der auf 5W 30 fährt.Nun will ich bisschen Öl nachkippen.Hab jetzt 1,5 Liter von einem 5W 30 von ATU geschenkt bekommen von einem Kollegen der einen KIA fährt.Gibts da ” Normen” oder kann ich einfach jetzt nachkippen??

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6 years ago

the viscosity classes are standardized, similar to fuels, you can mix different brands which have the same viscosity class.

11 months ago
Reply to  eppursimuove

Finally, I understand thank you really for your comment achi all the beginning as the people comment I have zb Liqui moli Mixed with Helix Ultra and Castrol has never happened anything as long as 5W30 different looks at OW20 etc or 5W40

6 years ago

There are so-called release numbers

For the Corsa C:

Gasoline = GM-LLL-A-025

Diesel = GM-LL-B-025

Alternative for both = GM DEXOS 2

6 years ago


yes there are standards, for example the SAE 5 W 30, then in the respective class one can mix safely from the different manufacturers.

Only normal and Synthetic should not be mixed.

6 years ago

There are differences in the range, with release for turbo engines and lower slag formation.

6 years ago

Normally, all engine oils should conform to the SAE standard and must also be miscible (i.e. synthetic oil with mineral oil).

6 years ago

When refilling, you only need to pay attention to the 5W 30, that is enough.

6 years ago
Reply to  herja

What are these numbers in the profiles? You got 60, I got 16…

6 years ago

Yeah, because full synthetics.

6 years ago
Reply to  456mnb

How do you know?

6 years ago
Reply to  456mnb

5W 30 must: not being fully synthetic, it can be fully synthetic!