Sind alle diese Anworten richtig?
Wir gehen davon aus, dass ich ein Lehrer bin. Einer meiner Schüler fragt: Darf ich los?
ich möchte höflich ja sagen.
Welche antwort wäre in diesem Kontext richtig?
Ja, bitte
Ja, gerne
Ja, klar
Ja, natürlich
ja, sicher
All your answers are possible.
such a thing would never ask a real teacher – and not even here.
Best regards,
Why? I’m not a real teacher. Where do I have to ask my questions?
You didn’t understand the question. The questioner calls a fictive situation “Lehrer – Student”. If the student asks, “whether he can go,” what can the teacher use from the choices?
Everybody would be possible. Even simple “yes.”
If the teaching is not finished, the correct answer is always “no”.
Right answer:
After graduation or after the approved apology of the directorate, you may go.
There you can use everything I think.̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄