Sind alle Deutsche so rassistisch?
In den sozialen Netzwerken gibt es ja Videos wie die Schotten feiern usw.
Darunter findest du nur positive Kommentare.
Zudem wird gleichzeitig Stimmung gegen Migranten gemacht.
Kommentare wie:
“Die sind willkommen … nicht wie andere“
“Menschen mit kultur, nicht wie die Messerstecher“
„Die dürfen bleiben“
“Zum Glück keine Schwarzköpfe“
und ansonsten wirklich nur positive Kommentare… selbst bei Video wie man sieht, wie sie die Münchener Innenstadt hinterlassen haben.
Dann findet man solche Kommentare:
“Ist ja kein Problem 🙂 die Schotten haben gefeiert, dann darf man auch Müll hinterlassen“
Wären das türkische Fußballfans, wären die Kommentare ganz anders!
Nun ein Video, wie Ronaldo in Deutschland ankommt und viele Fans nach Ronaldo rufen. Darunter sieht man halt auch paar Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund, die sich freuen, ihren Ideol zu sehen.
und dann solche Kommentare:
“scheiß Schwarzköpfe im Video“
“Ronaldo glaubt er ist in Saudi Arabien gelandet“
“Ronaldo wählt danach AfD“
“Einfach abschieben“
„Typische Kultur“
„3te Welt“
„Da stehen ja Muftis“
„Er fragt sich wo die Deutschen sind“
„Scheiß Ausländer“
Was geht Bitteschön in Deutschland ab? Und dann wird unter jedem Beitrag kommentiert „ah bei der EM zeigen sie die Deutschland Flagge? Sind wir jetzt alle Rechtsextremisten“.
Gehen in die Opferrolle und gleichzeitig sind die nur dabei solche Kommentare von sich zu lassen? Als wäre Patriotismus nicht erlaubt und man würde die armen Patrioten als Rassisten betiteln, während sie solche Kommentare von sich geben
I just can’t see these Sch.Pseudo questions anymore.
Most people are simply quite normal in the middle of democracy.
But since it has come so fashionable to look as selective as possible into the world, always beautifully out of my own bladder, I see, of course, if I want to see racism only the racism. Clear thing.
We have one of the best democracies among the far too few democracies that exist in the world. We should pay attention to them and not constantly saw it through the inflationary use of stigmata, hetze and the like.
To do this, however, one must also understand and see the problem.
Nice weekend!
Do you use social networks? Look at the comments 🙂 No matter what it’s about… you’ll see such comments
Of course, but I can also see the other comments. Or the ones who don’t constantly mess around in the social media.
Again (possibly to co-write) this does not form anything, no representative figures, not the thinking of the mass of people. Nothing, absolutely nothing, maybe a bit the stupidity of some people, the unconsciousness, etc.
Otherwise… s. my answer to your question.
Only funny that 90% of the comments are so negative and most likes have
You show the most extreme comments. Think about it, that’s the Internet everyone is exaggerating, giving contributions to insta with restricted children where people get the most extreme black humor. I find that much worse than a few right-wing extremists who probably don’t even mean seriously what they say. These are Trolls no longer
It’s about normal videos like people celebrating and happy.
And the comments are about 90%.
Can show some examples that almost all comments are so negative
As I said, Trolls are no longer. I’d guess most of them think it’s really funny.
Simply ignore – people who write this have neither level nor standing. Simply “slide” into the rear corner of forgetting.
Become anxious… only such comments on Instagram… only negative… negative… negative… negative.
I can understand you well; It’s really hard to eat. But you can’t change much in the brains of other people. Just pray/hope that they will be enlightened one day.
Insta there are no positive comments
I don’t know such comments from my environment. Sometimes here.
In the social media, people are uninhibited as they are anonymous.
I avoid the social media, I have a lot of different things to do.
But from your question, the misgunst speaks. should we look forward to illegal migrants as well as to extremely sympathetic guests like the Scots?
They liked it so great that they hope to come to a friendship game every year.
When did one ever hear about migrants who sometimes come to us illegally and cost us a lot of tax money.
This is really great to be in Germany. We’re grateful.
I’ve never heard that before.
Please remember no one has called migrants or asylum seekers. Where asylum seekers have a right to come here and ask for asylum.
But only them.
Think about it.
No, we Germans are not rassistic, otherwise there would be no Muslim here. But the Muslims are straining our tolerance.
All the best German (including my Turkish neighbour) are politically in the middle.
Nevertheless, it is unmistakable that we have just brought ourselves a wealth horn of new problems into the country since 2015. Is it miserable to say what everyone thinks internally?
I’m green/middle-left and also for more deportations and a stop to migration… but unlike many right-wing extremists, I don’t treat these people like dirt and I’m turning all migrants over a heap
I don’t do that either, and I don’t know anyone who does that.
Nevertheless, it is necessary to understand that people have the muzzle full of people from other cultures who do not know to behave (example swimming pool, grilling in the park, destroying shelters, drug trafficking, rapeseeds, knife attacks, deported by rescue workers with fireworks and lighting ammunition to New Year’s Eve and and…)
Social media have now become the drain for the brown dirt of our society.
There he feels comfortable because he acts there from the supposed anonymity.
The majority of our society is, fortunately, not so brown and knows how to behave.
Ne we are not all AFD voters and a part of the AFD voters is not right but just stupid.
The many xenophobic comments are explained by the anonymity in the web and the fact that the vast majority simply writes nothing there remains more space for the radical
In the waiting room once seen how someone pulled out a board 4 mobile phones put on it to write dirt on social media with at least 4 accounts
That’s it. Some of our problem nowadays are these incredibly loud minorities, who have nothing to say, little or nothing in the bottom, but that is always, everywhere and much too loud.
Where the citizens are actually more prone to populism than in the past I have the feeling
The big parties lose contact with the citizens
It is not explained enough why something is decided.
There are hardly any open constructive debates.
The great parties have something from the Catholic Church. no new things internally clarify no change
Yes Germany has a healthy democracy, we all should ensure that it remains.
Question: Why is Germany obliged to finance and allow any foreigner to stay in Germany?
You answer your question yourself.
So why the question? Baiten?
Positive when it comes to the Scots
what do you expect from social media??
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