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1 year ago

No, that’s clearly normal weight. What do you think? Even with 66 kg it would still be normal, according to BMI it would be the limit to the underweight.

However, the BMI is also just a directive and no longer.



The BMI of 20.7 means “normal weight”

66 – 84 kg

Ideal weight

If the weight is between 66 and 84 kg, everything is OK.

1 year ago

So you’re probably pretty thin. I am about 1.90 and weighed 80kg at the moment, and I am also relatively thin, but I would say it is still in a “healthy” frame. But it also depends on whether you feel so or not, and whether you have health problems, that is the most important.

1 year ago

You can do that very well with the BMI.

The formula for the BMI is: BMI = weight in kg / (size in m)2

That means sharing the weight through the squared size.
It is underweight below 18.5.

(The BDI is not perfect as a measure, but offers a rough orientation).

1 year ago

Yes, yes. Your normal weight would be between 80 and 90 kg.

1 year ago

No, not at all 😊🙂