Sind 5-7 Dosen Bier am Tag zuviel?

Ich kenn ein Bekannten der mir sehr ans Herz gewachsen ist er tut mir leid er trinkt jeden Tag 5-7 Dosen wie kann ich ihn helfen er leidet seit mehreren Jahren als Alkohol sucht und ist erst 36 Jahre alt

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1 year ago


Daily alcohol consumption is quite unhealthy. Nice of you to worry, but I guess you can’t help.
A therapy would help, because they know best. However, your friend must also agree, because you cannot force him to do so.
But you can suggest it to him before it gets worse.

LG and good luck with it

1 year ago

Yeah, that’s clearly too much and you can call the friend a drunk. Unfortunately, you can’t help him in a targeted way, because if he doesn’t want to recognize his alcohol problem or fail to perceive it, every word is often unnecessary.

If something helps, then it is the direct confrontation with the alcohol problem by telling him that he drinks too much and that he thereby only ruins his health, but also his social relationships with it.

Maybe it helps.

1 year ago

even 1 can would be too much if this is a regularity. You might want to ask if there is a desire for a withdrawal. Then simply ask for a withdrawal clinic or, if necessary, ask for housing groups for addiction patients how to apply there.

Unfortunately, all this only works if the person concerned wants to see and change the problems

1 year ago

I know that too well. My friend drank this amount of beer so daily. I never went well with him drinking too much, he was always a strange person. Since where he was always sober, I had always told him that he was a strange person for me and is always uncomfortable for me when he drinks something. He hasn’t been drinking alcohol for 5 years now. I don’t drink any more alcohol. He says as always that I can drink alcohol and I don’t want to drink it for him. Arte came up with a report on beer, and he just stopped. The early days I had the support he came back from the shopping that he still secretly drinks beer, that was fortunately not so. I’m really happy he’s not drinking alcohol anymore.

1 year ago

All alcohol is harmful, no matter how much!

And with your amount, it is definitely very worrying, looking for professional help.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lord32143

It is related to every person for whom ‘friend’ you always ask.

1 year ago

You probably don’t at all – usually there is a therapy if the person concerned doesn’t manage it alone.

1 year ago

You can’t help an alcoholic if he doesn’t want any help. Brewing and being dissatisfied with his situation is not the same as wanting to have help. Because for help, you have to change your habits and most alcoholics are going too far.

1 year ago

The dose makes the poison. Also a beer – every day for a long period is unhealthy and draws a reconciliation effect.

find the conversation with him. But you can’t change the situation much. That’s just him. As long as he doesn’t see his problem he won’t change anything

1 year ago

at 60 grams of Alc. per day, the fun stops, which are 3 doses. Theoretically, if it is daily, you should not have more than 1 tringen (20 grams).

So at 5-7 you can estimate yourself.

Search drug counselling.

1 year ago

You can only talk to him again and again. He himself has to realize that he has an alcohol problem and has to do something about it. That’s the only way he can get away from his addiction.

1 year ago

That’s 2.5 to 3.5 liters!

Letting go of some moral sayings is not my fault. That is why I put an invoice, and the first fact is the question of how great and how difficult it is?

A man with 1.90 and 100 kg is gone! Even if the liver has no pleasure with it, but the liver is the most patient organ throughout the body. The smaller and lighter he is, the harder she is.

But before all in Germany I have heard a beer “solo” not at all. This means that a high percentage is tipped to each bottle/dose.

Then we would be at about 3 liters of beer and 6 high percentages – and I can only say that he will have to enjoy a maximum of 65 years. Because he won’t get older.

1 year ago
Reply to  Lord32143

and how hard about?

1 year ago

I know some men, even women, who drink from youth to 1l – 1.5 l of wine a day, which originated 2-3 liters of beer and were about 75 and 83 years old. But we people are not all the same.

1 year ago

Daily alcohol consumption is always bad. 6 cans a day that’s 3 liters of beer… that’s way too much. Here we are talking about a moderate alcohol problem.

1 year ago

Beer is healthy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bronzko

Nonsense. Not in regularity and quantity.

1 year ago

You can’t help him. He must want this from himself.