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If we assume that a box costs 10€ (see link), then you smoke 40-60 boxes a month. And that would be an average of 1,3-2 boxes a day. [If you turn or stop, that would be much more.] ➡️ That is very, very worrying.
PS: I don’t want to say with my bill that less smoking is no longer harmful. Smoking itself (no matter how much) is harmful.
Cigarettes are too unnecessary and they just waste money because it just makes addiction. I can actually accept necessary things (i.e. clothing, food, etc.) instead of the use of cigarettes. You already use several boxes within one day, and it also costs the health of a person.
Every cent is too much for shortening your life. Take this for a lifetime and even a property goes up in smoke.
Think about what you could buy for the money if you didn’t smoke. At that time, the pain limit was 200€ (then three boxes were daily). Okay, that was different times. But I told myself, if I just blow 200€ in the air, I must admit this 200€ to my heart lover as a pocket money. There were 400€ in the family fund. And then it came to me that I barely came up three steps without being drunk like a … [think something]. So I just stopped doing this. Today I drive the 20 km to work with the bike. But I’m getting out. Don’t buy cigarettes anymore. Put the money in something that you can make use of. 400/month is 4800/year. There will be wishes.
This corresponds to a daily amount of 40-60, which is heavy.
Don’t you think you’re exaggerating? 600€ would be on average over 2 boxes of TAG!
About boxes?
ok… there was the 2 swallowed 🙂
yes will minimize it on 1/2 boxes
Ups, and a “l” after. Peas?
I personally give 0 euro
I don’t smoke, but if I don’t spend more than 100€ a month
A millionaire laughs about this sum, but he does not think of the money, but of the cancer to be expected, which takes his life at an early stage and thus he sees it as too much, only for other reasons that a chain smoker disregards.
And lost. This small country could be the pioneer of an anti-smoking campaign.
mum gives for us 2 also so 1000€ a month for cigarettes from which is normal
Your mother supports cigarette consumption in which she pays it for you? Are you serious?
With this 600€ I could get a thousand new things, I need you
or donate it
In any case
Yeah, sure. That would be at least 1.4 boxes a day!
1€ is already too much for
In every way.
Do you know that there is a lot of SOGAR…ABER that is a joke.Cigarettes buy and too many smoke can’t be sorry 600 euros to 600??? Do you know how many boxes of cigarettes are that?
What a joke, do you count after 2x rolls a 8 € a day at 480€
I’ve been expecting you to write up to 600 euros. Don’t tell.
Admit an e-cigarette. It’s cheaper.
Even “only” 100 euros a month for cigarettes, is much too much.
Stop it!
LG your finger