Sind 35 Euro pro Stunde als Freiberufler in der SPFH und im Betreuten Wohnen angemessen?

Ich habe ein Angebot, als freiberuflicher Sozialpädagoge in der Sozialpädagogischen Familienhilfe (SPFH) und im Bereich Betreutes Wohnen für 35 Euro pro Stunde zu arbeiten. Ist das ein gutes Angebot?

Ich habe einen Bachelor in Psychologie und zwei Jahre Erfahrung in der Jugendhilfe, sowohl im ambulanten als auch im stationären Bereich.

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3 months ago

The hourly rate paid by the service providers in the outpatient residence is around 60 euros. Then it is either stationary cared for housing or outpatiently cared for living as a subcontractor.

At 35 an hour you can’t get far. For craftsmen, this regularly starts at 60 euros an hour. In a brand autowerkstatt you can also be quickly at 100 euros and more.

You also need to be careful that you don’t spend hours you can’t pay off.

In addition, social education is not a freelance activity. And if it stays with the one client, it may be a slippery.

This is favorable for the client because he can quickly resolve himself from his employee in case of disagreements. This is a very high risk for the employee.

In the outpatiently supervised housing, about 60 euros are paid an hour. If you’re a subcontractor, you can only get less. This will then be around 35 euros for professionals. This is then quite market-oriented. There are then still all the other conditions .You also have professional experience, then you may also go to 40 to 45 euros .

3 months ago

If you are self-employed, you should optimally avoid depreciating to time and maybe find another scalable size based on which you generate your revenue.

As an entrepreneur, you must take into account all operating expenses and also keep in mind that you do not claim to wage advancement or unemployment benefit.

You must therefore make reserves of your profit (= turnover – operating expenses) and still be able to deny your livelihood and, if necessary, carry out tax duties.

35,- € / hour is too small.

At 173 hours a month, the 6000,- € sales would be.

Suppose you have 50% margin (probably more optimistic) stayed 3,000,- € monthly before tax. This would correspond approximately to a gross salary of a person who comes from training with 1-2 years of professional experience, but without the same assurance that this person would have (KV, RV, ALV, PV, etc.).

3 months ago

That’s too little.

First of all, the current costs are incurred.

3 months ago

Is that a good offer?

I would actually expect a Bachelor graduate with professional experience to do this quite simple comparative calculation itself.

Probably it’s not a good offer.

3 months ago

net yes

Gross naja

3 months ago
Reply to  Dezemberr

Gross and net are not necessarily terms which have great relevance in the context of selfemployment in relation to income.

3 months ago

Others look forward to 13€

3 months ago
Reply to  Ganjamaus

You can’t compare a salary with the hourly rate of a selfemployed person.

Aldi, Lidl and Co. already pay 14-15,- € the hour as an entry. Anyone who gets away with less in any job is owed to himself somewhere.