Sind 3 Züge von einem Joint in einer Haarprobe nachweisbar ?

Hallo Leute 🙂

Habe am 29 Juli meine Haarprobe rückwirkend bis zum 03 Feburar abgegeben (6cm). Am 10 April habe ich versehentlich 3x an einem Joint gezogen. Bitte keine blöden Kommentare es war nicht beabsichtigt! Seit Februar sind meine Haare 10 cm gewachsen. Ein Urin Drogentest 1 Tag nach dem Konsum war ganz ganz leicht positiv. Was meint ihr ? Ist der Konsum in den Haaren nachweisbar?

Liebe Grüße und danke für eine Hilfe

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2 years ago

In the event that the hair sample shows positive, you should not repeat the story as you tell them here under “blöd “.
Anyone who walked professionally with “blöd runner” would tell you that one recognizes joints in appearance and smell – all the time after the first train.
Even the explanation (debate) had been drowned, does not conceive as an excuse because it is only evidence of “mix consumption” and shows that it is not possible to deal with alcohol even if there is such a stupid running situation due to alcohol use.

Drug tests are either positive or negative. “Quitely positive” there is not. Rapid tests have an error frequency of around 30% (similar to corona rapid tests). A strong and a weakly visible line can therefore be interpreted as a negative or as an invalid test.

No one can give you a 100% answer to your question because no one knows if you weren’t so drunk that you might have pulled six or seven times on the bag – instead of only two or three times.

2 years ago

If the test (drogenic) is positive, it is also easy to admit that you smoked something.
I’m pressing the thumbs that it’s not necessary.

2 years ago


2 years ago


can already be proven. Of course not. As it goes out, you will learn as soon as the result is from your “foreign” joint.

MFG Colin

2 years ago

Yeah. How to grind inadvertently? At the latest on the first train, you should remember, smelling what’s in there before…

So to the question: no, this should no longer be detectable as long as you are not a permanent box.

And: in which country do you live that hair samples were made? They are already unreliable and are therefore hardly used…