Sind 3 Flaschen Whiskey pro Woche noch normal?
Also ich trinke mittlerweile nur noch 3 Flaschen Whsieky pro Woche (vorher war es ca ne Flasche am Tag). Also drastisch reduziert! Mein Arzt meinte wenn ich es schaffe auf 1/3 Flasche zu kommen müsste ich mir um meine Gesundheit keine Sorgen mehr machen. Wie schädlich ist mein aktuell Konsum?
I can’t make three bottles of whisky in ten years. No, that’s all but normal, and even 1/3 bottle per week are still too much, but with an alcoholic probably appropriate.
You’re in the grave.
simply always further reduce alcohol in any amount is harmful is after all ne poison. But go down to 2 bottles on one and always as far as you come.
With current consumption, you are alcoholic, and that has a lot of health consequences!
Still very harmful.
Not so good. Better would be 1 bottle a year, if at all.
Why do you even ask the question? You know that 3 fl. Whiskey is clearly too much in the week. I wonder how you supposedly finance this (troll question?)
If that’s what your doctor really said – what I’m seriously doubting – you’ll find another doctor. It is irresponsible for an alcoholic to guess something like that.
Very harmful. You can’t drink a single drink of alcohol in your life.
I also wanted to comment on the cost aspect
I want to see the doctor…
Possibly, the doctor just comes over the working week with 1-2 bottles of straw 80.
I’d change the doctor first.
lg up
No, this is not normal, and also 1/3 bottle per week is not normal or healthy. Change the doctor or stop dreaming.