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That’s enough to emigrate. Or for the interior of an apartment. Or a new car.
List can be continued as desired. And some points are debatable.
26k for nen car find some much and others little.
Always depends on the circumstances.
It is a lower average gross annual salary.
It is an extremely good monthly flee (no matter whether gross or net)
If that’s your savings and you’re retiring next week, it’s a little bit more
When do I count among the richest 10% of the total population in Germany:
· from a net budget of EUR 477,200 to this group.
· Under 30-year-olds you have already arrived at the top group with around 70,000 euros.
· The 30-34-year-olds already need 200,000 euros and the 35- to 39-year-olds need more than 300,000 euros to leave 90 percent of the peers behind.
In addition, I find:
· with 16 you should only have your pocket money
· with 18 you should have the money for the driving licence
· with 25 you should already have your first 10,000€ to 15,000€
· with 30 perhaps already his 40.000€ to 50,000€
· with 40 you should have your €150,000 to pay a property
· with 60 the property should be paid off
· with 67 you should retire with an additional €150,000.
This is quite conservative and many will even be clearly above that if one is reasonably successful in the profession.
The goals can be achieved much faster than alone.
I already had my first million euros of fortune and a paid house at 40. .
How to achieve that?
Just by working make career and save……
Or by happy heirs!
Everything is relative. For a new kitchen it is relatively much money. To buy a house it is relatively little money.
Better than 0 €
But as much as I wouldn’t define it first. More than “Mindest-Notgroschen”
It’s enough for a used car. Not for a house.
A pretty warm rain. That’s all.