Sind 2293€ netto + Firmenwagen viel?
Findet ihr das Gehalt sehr viel, gut oder normal?
Firmenwagen ist bei 2293€ netto bereits abgezogen und darf voll umfänglich inkl. Tanken privat genutzt werden. Auto ist im unteren Mittelklasse Segment. VW Golf GTI.
Für einen 26 Jährigen Kinderlosen ledigen in Lohnsteuerklasse 1 mit 40Std.
Qualifikation: Mittlere Reife + Industriekaufmann Lehre 2,5 Jahre, 7 Jahre Berufserfahrung
Tätigkeit: Büro Innen + Außendienst, Baugewerbe
Ich bin damit sehr zufrieden und finde es sehr gut, andere sagen es ist zu wenig und Sie würden für das Geld nicht Arbeiten.
Danke für eure (ehrliche) Einschätzung. 🙂
Not for Munich conditions and the car can not be used here, you hardly come forward and find parking You don’t even know, a car is more curse than blessings here.
It’s only good that I don’t live in Munich, but 200km behind it in the country and depend on the car every day.
Then it’s okay!
You have to look beyond the edge of the plate 😀
I think it’s quite decent.
Of course, more and more goes but the service car also saves some per month
Of course, it depends on your lifestyle, which should not be forgotten in the salary is the monetary advantage of the company car. If you were to finance it yourself, you’d be there at a GTI including fuel and insurance with 400-500 euros… if you’re packing this up on it, you’re almost on €2800. For 26 that is not a bad income. You also have to see that you will also get the car rated in terms of pension technology.
I honestly don’t know I just know that without a car I would have a nice 380€. but as you say, I pay for no matter what car privately more when I calculate tax insurance fuel tire service etc. and have therefore decided after a long time for “care-free” usable company cars 🙂
I find it even good that someone is satisfied to work!! And also to be satisfied with the outcome.
I don’t know what’s customary in your industry, but it sounds good with company cars!! Doesn’t everyone…
Keep going.
Thank you. But was admittedly not quite easy to get here ^^^
I think it’s okay. However, I think that there can be much more in construction and field services than combination.
Of course, I’m pissing a place as a building manager. In about 3 years, it should be ready. I would then have to be married, according to a colleague who works in this area, at about 4-5 net.
A lot of success!
Thank you
If in the bill the company car is really already deducted, I would say that it is a good wage.
I could invest up to 1300 euros… that’s enough for me.
I save 500€ and 500€ will be invested. The rest goes to Bausparr and for life.
Car usage is likely to go to your salary with about €500. I think that’s a decent wage, but I can’t tell you what’s in industry.
I’d say that’s perfect.
Thank you. I also see that I can live significantly better than many who shout
All that is over 2,000 € net is a lot of salary.
The average wage is between 1,200-1,800 net.
The least forists in the forum Good question will earn 3,000 € per month, net.
I don’t even think so. At least, many regulars are at the grade.
All under 3k Euro net/month is now too little due to the massively increased costs.
Now you can’t overlook I’m Lst.1 and have a car I don’t have to pay in the 3rd and without a car I’m on loose over 3…
btw. who deserves 3k nice?
Akademiker with professional experience
If you need at least 3k net a month to live, you just can’t handle money…
Not really. I think from 2.2k around a month you can live quite well. Of course not with many savings.
Sure… in Munich maybe income%20of203.000,people%20in%20
Definitely think you have a good salary. Am 25 with training at about 2500€ net per month at 38 hours and OHNE car
Only that the academic has earned nothing up to 8 years
That’s exactly what I wanted to say.
People with training exactly the same. You don’t need to study today to get a good income.
The degree of education of a person does not say much about intelligence.
Not all of them.
Jo, I’m just a stupid real student.
But still think to be smarter than most academics 🙂 oh is the arrogant 😀