Sind 15,4 KG in 7 Monaten gut?
Gehe seit Anfang Juli regelmäßig Joggen und achte auf meine Ernährung,seitdem sind 15,4KG weg. Im Netz schreiben viele das sie da mehr abgenommen haben. Ist meine Abnahme ok?
Gehe seit Anfang Juli regelmäßig Joggen und achte auf meine Ernährung,seitdem sind 15,4KG weg. Im Netz schreiben viele das sie da mehr abgenommen haben. Ist meine Abnahme ok?
Hey, ich bin 15 Jahre alt und ca.164 klein ich wollte fragen ob jemand weiß wie viel man mit dem alter wiegen sollte bzw wie das Idealgewicht aussieht und wie man falls es zu wenig ist zunehmen kann momentan wiege ich zwischen 45 und 46.. ich Habe mich immer relativ wohl damit gefühlt da ich…
Schüttel dein Handy leicht!
Hallo, ich bin 13J. alt und seit meiner Geburt Passivraucher, es stört mich enorm und ich versuche mir hier ein bisschen Hilfe zu holen. (ich habe auch 2Geschwister 4 und 9J. alt, die ebenfalls darunter leiden) Meine Eltern sind schon immer starke Raucher (jeder bis zu 30/40 Zigaretten am Tag) obwohl mein Vater etwas mehr…
Hallo zusammen … ich habe jetzt eine etwas kompliziertere Frage und hoffe das mir irgendjemand helfen kann … mein Ex-Mann ( wir haben aber ein super freundschaftliches Verhältnis ) hatte einen schwereren Verkehrsunfall lag vier Wochen im Koma und wurde dann in eine Klinik zur Neurologie verlegt … davon sind wir ca 30 Minuten entfernt…
Ich dacht endlich ich verstehe das System und jetzt fühle ich mich wieder dumm.
All right, that reads after very conscious change of your diet and the sport you do. You should lose up to 4 kg a month in a conscious and healthy way. So you do everything right. I wish you a great success to continue your goals:-)
That’s remarkable. Many don’t make it. It is also within the framework that the decrease is not harmful to health.
Go on, you’re on a good way.
I assume you’re in overweight? It’s not too fast or too slow. It is important that it happened – be proud of it:)
Actually, it is even more skillful to slow down so that the skin has time to form back.
This is even quite close to the optimum with 2 Kg per month, but also depends on the initial situation
Optimum is at 4 Kg per month, when one leads an active life and pays attention to the diet with a deficit of 1000 Kcal daily, a healthy decrease is possible.
Depending on the initial situation, but for most, 1000 Kcal in the deficit is clearly too much
A deficit of 1000 kcal is far too high!
Why do you write about one optimismIf you don’t know if it’s optimal?
Okay, how far it’s still healthy, I don’t want to say anything if I don’t know, but it’s understandable when you write, except you’re very far out of weight. We don’t have any information about whether the body fat content is high (but I won’t write to the question)
Yes is usually no longer healthy except you are very far overweight with very high KFA
Right, you’re right when you write: 500 calories a day = 2 kg weight loss a month. I didn’t deny it or anything. Just written. Optimum 4 kg, with active r lifestyle and diet, 1000 calories are possible. I didn’t want to say you were wrong. Actually, just what is possible.
500 calories are the upper limit of what is normally recommended when one is very far in weight and has a very high body fat content, which can naturally carry higher deficits
Your own text is no proof.
It’s definitely too high. Tell you everyone who knows about it. And the experts anyway.
In the case of a daily deficit of 500 calories, you can therefore decrease about 2 kilograms per month. If you want to decrease more, you can decrease about 4 to 5 kilograms a month with an active lifestyle and a daily calorie deficit of up to about 1000 calories.
Through sport and nutrition?
That’s very good, you say you’re supposed to take only 1 kg a month on average so that you can keep it permanently. However, in the first time one takes more down than later. Keep going and don’t orientate yourself to what others write.
Optimum is at 4 Kg per month, when one leads an active life and pays attention to the diet with a deficit of 1000 Kcal daily, a healthy decrease is possible.
This creates the least lasting and such information is disillusioning and will lead to abandonment in the first stagnation. And they’re coming!
It was not about whether it was the least permanent (where I give you the right), but what is possible in a month, in a healthy way.
20 Kilos in a year is good. In this way, you are on your way too fast.
It’s not bad, but paying attention to the diet brings more.
Yeah, that’s two kilos a month. It shouldn’t be any more!
Optimum is at 4 Kg per month, when one leads an active life and pays attention to the diet with a deficit of 1000 Kcal daily, a healthy decrease is possible.
Full nonsense! A deficit of 1000 kcal is far too high! And 1 kilo per week is not really healthy.
I don’t see this…
No nonsense. Just because you see that, others don’t have to be wrong. It is, of course, the solution to describe other answers as nonsense.