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1 year ago

This depends on the performance. In a 100W steam, 10mg is much, with a 10W steam rather not.

1 year ago

for you too much, because you are a minor and can consume LEGAL garkeine nicotine products.

1 year ago
Reply to  sunnymarie32

well, not publicly if he smokes at home and he is 16 or older his parents can allow him to do so.

1 year ago

naja…. may not be allowed minors of consumption…. this also applies to “home”. It only controls nobody there, as it falls within the competence of parents.

1 year ago
Reply to  ryangosling327

Please catch GARNIGHT with Smoking at… beginning is easy, stop can be difficult to impossible and in the health consequences it is better not to let go… believe me – I have seen several acquaintances crawling with lung cancer and so ne COPD is also cruel.

If you want to “inhale” something later, buy an e-cigarette. You don’t need nicotine, that doesn’t have a really tangible effect, and nonsmokers have no…

1 year ago

What is it?

1 year ago

All about 0 mg/ml is much too much!

Maybe you’d better break down health differently than by nicotine!

I find crass, which you will deliberately harm your health!

1 year ago
Reply to  Singuli

I find crass, which you will deliberately harm your health! – do you know what it is? If people like you, who have ne (dumbious) MEINUNG, ABER NULL PLAN OF THEMA, still have to leave their unwanted mustard again and again and do nothing as bullshit!

1 year ago
Reply to  sunnymarie32

Smoking or steam is with the stupidest thing a person can do. And I can write this here because it’s my opinion!

Dumb is more like who dies early because he smokes or evaporates!

I assume that you as a community expert do not find smoking or steaming valuable health!

1 year ago
Reply to  Singuli

Please do not spread unspeakable statements. Thank you.

Through a responsible use of nicotine, no one is hurt!

1 year ago
Reply to  GabHH

Only crack cocaine and heroin make more dependent than nicotine.

That’s why nicotine is one of the most dangerous drugs ever!

And since children can get in touch with them via their parents during passive smoking, it is absolutely absurd to touch this drug. I think it’s just as close as heroin and cocaine.

1 year ago

WOW… such a short text and so many false claims!

Nicotine only leads to dependencies when its properties are massively artificially changed! Aside from tobacco consumption, nicotine does not lead to dependencies!

No one is dependent on nicotine when it is aubergines, tomatoes, peppers or potatoes, NET uses products or evaporates e-cigarettes with nicotine in liquid.

Nicotine is not a drug!

1 year ago

And there are no deaths around the world due to the e-cigarette and the liquids provided for it.

This is probably a matter of opinion. Depending on the lobby, you can probably find out what fits! I can’t understand that.

1 year ago

Dumb is more like who dies early because he smokes or evaporates!

because he smokes.

because he evaporates?
There are e-cigarettes in Germany since 2010. (world-wide about exactly as long.)
And there are no deaths around the world due to the e-cigarette and the liquids provided for it.
Only a few bangheads in the US who bought drugs stretched on the black market and who wanted to consume with their e-cigarettes, without paying attention to the fact that they fill in stuff that does not belong to these devices.)
So why would steamers die earlier? Smokers who switch to the e-cigarette are not so stupid at all, they are doing risk minimization.

1 year ago

And I can write this here because it’s my opinion! – Sorry, but NO! Of course, you may have this opinion and also tell them when it comes to a question explicitly about MYONS. Just this isn’t the case, here it’s ALLY TO KNOW and sorry, but you’re messing up on full line!

Dumb is more like who dies early because he smokes or evaporates! – NO again! Dumbs are people who write stupid and even if it’s your opinion, steaming leads you to die early, IST and stays stupid because it’s simple and gripping NOT that! By the way, I knew a lot of smokers who are anything but stupid.

I assume that you as a community expert do not find smoking or steaming valuable health! – But you are already aware that between “health valuable” and “harm to health” there is an EXTREMER difference?! And: smoking is NOT a question of what I or other people about smoking/thamping NOT. This is all about nicotine and what we know about it.

But since you simply put this assertion about me into the room without knowing me: DOCH, I actually find vapors for RAUCHER “healthly valuable” because it actually and proves to have a considerable health “more value” for every smoker when he exchanges the cigarettes for e-cigarettes.