Simson s51 Lichtmaschine macht 60V und schießt Elba durch?

Von meiner simi macht die Lichtmaschine im Leerlauf 13V aber wenn ich Gas geben bis zu 60V. Wir haben schon 2 elbas durchgeballert. Sie lief aber schonmal und hat funktioniert nur die Batterie hatte aufgrund einer kaputten ladespule nicht geladen. Nach dem tauschen der ladespule hat das begonnen. Wir haben aber alles nach Schaltplan wieder zusammen gebaut (dem selben Plan nach dem wir die ganze Simi gebaut hatten). Und Seit dem gehen die Lampen etc. nicht mehr. Wir haben alle teile die in dem herzkasten sind bereits getauscht aber es ändert nix. Wir haben die neue elba vor dem Einbau durchgemessen und da ging sie noch. Im Moped ging sie nicht also wieder ausgebaut und gemessen , dann ging sie wieder und nach erneuten einbauen und wieder ausbauen ging sie auch an einem Netzteil außerhalb nicht mehr. Hat jemand ne Idee warum das so ist?

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3 years ago

Actually, there is always a load on the lighting machine so that the voltage can never be so high. If you measure the change voltage directly on the charging coil without load, then it is clear that the voltage is so high.

The ELBA actually ensures that the current to the charging coil is interrupted when the battery is full. A thyristor was installed for this purpose.

Maybe your ELBA’s broken because you got it wrong?

Which ELBA do you have? Did you open the broken ELBAs?

3 years ago
Reply to  Stiviti

In the ELBA a bridge rectifier is in it and the voltage actually drops when any load (charge battery or use vehicle electronics) is there. If the voltage at the battery is already too high and the battery is no longer to be charged, then the thyristor switches off and the charging coil is quasi electrically disconnected and then quite high voltages can occur at the charging coil, but the thyristor does not last up to 400V.

3 years ago

Such a 12V lead gel battery is already empty at 12V. It is full at 13.4 or 13.7V. Get some information on it. At 7V you can probably throw him away.

I know people who have built up a battery of LiIon cells and then have built their own protective electronics. 3 cells were connected in series and the cells were charged only up to 12V (4.0V per cell) (4.2V would be the maximum). The minimum voltage is 10.8V (3.6V per LiIon cell) for the battery.

So they have built their own ELBA circuit which is more powerful than such a lead battery and, in addition, these LiIon batteries (good LiPo cells) were also less sensitive to cold. We had also packed the cells into a freeze cube for fun and then brought the temperature to -20° C. and during which the voltage measured at different currents (without load, 100mA, 1A) to determine the internal resistance.

3 years ago

Charger defective?

3 years ago
Reply to  Stiviti

Mhh… I don’t have an idea anymore.