Simson im Westen?

Hey bin in paar Tagen 15 und meine Simme steht schon in der Garage (wohne in Bayern) hab schon richtig Lust drauf mit ihr zu fahren weil ich Simson fahren einfach schön finde und jetzt wollte ich euch mal fragen wie ihr es findet im Westen mit einer zufahren frage mich ob die Personen aus dem Osten das gut finden oder ob sie das gar nicht mögen würde natürlich such gerne Eindrücke von Wesis hören

Danke für eure Antworten

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1 year ago

Why do you care how others find that? You like it, so just do it.

I also found it good then, when I was a one after the turn.

1 year ago

Meanwhile, the Simsons are also very popular and often found in the old Länder.

1 year ago

That’s your thing with which you drive legally, then you shouldn’t be driving around in Germany with a Dutch model, whether you’re a car or a motorcycle.

1 year ago

Drive with it. But no one will be able to help you if she stumbles. It’s in the east.

1 year ago
Reply to  martinreschke

Because only the east had two-stroke engines?


1 year ago
Reply to  DiePommesbude

No, in the used federal states, mopeds were only 2 more tactical. If a S51 breaks, it would be exciting for me to fix it. In the east you grew up with it and repaired it at home. A S51 is not a plague. Basically, it is a real motorcycle en miniature.

1 year ago

If you can do that, it will honor you. Most craftsmen from the used federal states can and only want to drive. Here in the forum are asked questions that exceed the horizon of a normal. And they come beyond the inner German border. I don’t make myself laughing as I speak of experience. An acquaintance buys the S51 in Bavaria because they were tortured until they stopped. My buddy rebuilds her. Then they are reimported and sold for up to 6000€. With us, you’re touching your head. I myself built an AWO SPORT and a S51 Enduro brand new. The S51 was more expensive. $4500 in there. Just screwing around isn’t easy. That’s all young people don’t want. The preservation of cultural property is not in the brain.

1 year ago

You’re ridiculous, you don’t need to say anymore.

To disassemble the whole box, you will need 5 key sizes and a slot screwdriver.

A puch or chalker is not easier to disassemble and assemble.


1 year ago

I have completely rebuilt an enduro and am an ossi. Without taking into account some things, you won’t be able to. It’s not about inventing the wheel. It must also be quality behind it. It’s not a plague.

1 year ago

If you handle it with yours. As I said, they didn’t reinvent the wheel. Simplified technique, everyone can understand

1 year ago

Go ahead. I am only wondering why they will be returned to the East for repair.

1 year ago

It works like any other two-clocker.

Explosives everywhere. Your message