Simson 12V Vape Zündung mit 12V Birnen trotzdem brennen sie durch wer kann mir helfen?
Ich habe eine Simson S51 mit 12V Vape zündung und ich benutze auch 12v Birnen aber trotzdem brennen sie immer noch durch wie kann man das beheben?
Ich habe eine Simson S51 mit 12V Vape zündung und ich benutze auch 12v Birnen aber trotzdem brennen sie immer noch durch wie kann man das beheben?
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Hallo ich möchte mir in den nächsten Monaten eine neue Maschine kaufen. Momentan fahre ich eine simson auf cross aufgebaut(also gute cross erfahrung). Ich dachte an eine Ktm SX85 oder eine YCF SP3. Ich bin 1,73 groß, 67kg und gut gebaut. Danke im Vorraus 😀
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When a pear burns through, the power that it has to take up and release is too great. Which pears are burning? Blinker? Backlight? Standing light? Headlights?
Basically, it can have two causes: voltage or current. Actually, voltage is absorbed by the battery, which is also charged by the VAPE. You got a 12V battery?
If that fits, and you are 100% sure that your wiring is correct, there are only effects that should not appear. For example, because an electric field builds up that abruptly collapses and induces a strong voltage. In the case of a rather robust circuit as in the Simsons, however, this would be very far brought in.
It would be more obvious that too much current goes to the pear, for example because other lights or consumers are defective and now the energy in the network can only be in the remaining light.
So, of course, I also have a 12V battery inside and also the matching pears but I’m not sure if the cabling is 100% properly wired,I bought it so and I don’t know.
Then remove the corresponding cabling from the burning pear and start to relocate it from the ignition lock, then you notice if something is wrong somewhere. No fear of power, who can plug USB plugs, and a screwdriver can also cabling a Simson.
You can find the schematics on the Internet, for which S51 is here:
It would hardly be possible to increase the current via the other consumers in a parallel connection with a failed consumer. It remains the same there, otherwise even large parts of the remaining electrical equipment would have to be abruptly dispensed with in every smallest defect in the electrical system.
You should check what happens when a parallel consumer fails. When connected in series, I’m with you, there’s everything in series at once.
Parallel connection with a constant current source (the network is so slow, that counts), you have the current rise.
This is the effect that most components are quite tolerant. But I’m more of a cabling problem here, maybe not suitable vehicle masses.
Right, but still does not change the fact that this happens independently of other consumers.
A light bulb is quite the opposite of a constant resistance. That’s exactly what you’ve got.
Voltage remains the same, but the current rises, the power drop rises, it becomes hotter and brighter and eventually makes it puff and the thread is burnt through.
The current via the consumers remains the same (as the voltage at the latter remains constant and the resistance anyway), the total current decreases since the total resistance becomes greater as a result of the failed consumer.
Look here. These are the best detallated schematics for Simmi’s and also their conversion to 12V Vape. Look at your complete wiring. Then you should find the problem or the error.