Signalverstärker für Gigacube 4G von Vodafone?
Gibt es für den LTE-Router von Vodafone GigaCube 4G einen Signalverstärker?
So wie wie es diese auch für die Wlan-Router, z.B. die Frizz-Box, gibt?
Damit z.B. auch im Keller des Hauses ein stärkeres Signal ankommt. Der Router steht nämlich oben.
Kann jemand von seinen Erfahrungen berichten? Falls es da was gibt: Welches Teil ist da zu empfehlen? Preis und wie einfach ist es dieses Gerät zu installieren bzw. zu verbinden?
Yes, there are wwan amplifiers, in this case gsm, lte amplifiers, but in your case I would not recommend it, since it would ultimately be less effort to re-place the lte/5g router as a complex and expensive technique, which should also be placed in a place that has good reception.
He wants to get the wlan signal from the router to the basement, as no LTE/4G amplifiers help him
Thanks for the info. What’s going on?
…are illegal, because it is already broadcast with maximum permitted performance.
It is not sold for the Fritz!Box or for other WLAN routers “signal amplifiers”.
Nö – do not have a bock in doubt to find the radio destroyers of the federal network agency in front of the door incl. Device seizure and penalty payments.
Important: You asked for signal amplifiers – the answer refers to signal amplifiers – to no other possibly meant device category.
Lt. Vodafone Data Sheet ( this router has two LAN connections.
When Installation tube for TV/radio cable that leads up from the basement, you would probably have the possibility to pull a network or patch cable through it and thus to establish a fast and stable LAN connection to the basement.
It would be better to use a Lan cable. If you don’t have enough RJ45 sockets available, you can take a matching switch.
Routes up to 40 meters should not be a problem. CAT6 or 6e with matching RJ45 plug,cables do not cost the world and are cheaper than a Repeather Bzw. Amplifier
It is also possible for 100m in this case.
First of all, the orientation of the LTE-Wlan router is:
Then you have the best reception.
For forwarding, the most simple is the LAN cable:
You could try Wlan Repeater.
Direct cable down and repeater as access or via other routers would of course be better.
What you’re looking for is a WLAN repeater. You can actually do one at the Gigacube.
What some people suggest here is a GSM repeater. Better get your hands off that. The operation is not permissible in Germany and then you would have only GSM – dolle sausage.
Okay, and what legal options do I have?
As I said, the WLAN repeater.
You mean an LTE amplifier like this one:
Before you use this thing, you should check if it’s legal at all, I can’t tell you.
Good question. I’ve been researching this.,the%20europ%C3%A4ian%20Directives%20 certified%2C%20.
This is so – and is also not a particularly new knowledge. Although this was much more restrictive at the time in the 80s and 90s. 😉
I didn’t know if it was legal or not at all,