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1 year ago

Yes, there you are live

But you’ll get funny pills before. After that, you don’t care what they do to you.

But you also see quite badly because you naturally see badly when you let such an operation at all, and logically your visual aid does not stop. In addition, everything becomes more blurred because you get eye drops that expand the lens and leave it far. This makes any focus on something completely impossible.

You are asked to look at the red point to keep the eye straight and make the surgery a little easier. But it doesn’t matter if you move the eye easily – the laser can follow the movement.

1 year ago

I can tell you about the operation of the gray star:

you already see something, you can see for example original colors, because the eye is open. they have to operate on the open, open eye, doctors.

and then I can tell you about an acquaintance that gets splashes in the eye because of an eye disease: and that also sees how the liquid is distributed in the eye like a kind of oil film.

so you can see it.

I can’t say that now, but I can tell you later. I also have someone in my environment who already got this. So I’ll write you again, you don’t know how to get a specific answer to the laser.

1 year ago

I didn’t do anything at lasering my eyes, nor was I doped in advance. The background was not painful, but unpleasant, as both eyes were covered, so I “blind”.

1 year ago

Yeah, you don’t have any general anesthesia.