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Hallo, Die Werte sind von einer Freundin von mir, sie ist 164 cm groß. 14 an halb. Und wiegt 42,2. Sagt sie. Ob das stimmt ist auch die Frage. Naja auf jeden Fall, ich weiß es gibt Bmi rechner, aber die sind meistens Müll. Sie isst sehr wenig. Und ist auch relativ dünn. Mache mir…
This is not to be assessed for such different photos.
With clothes you can cover a lot.
Yes, on one picture the person carries an upper part, but on the other does not.
Color of trousers and lococation are also different.
I mean, I’ve taken good?
It can’t be seen.
Yeah, okay, I wish you good luck 🍀👍
But you can see the belly in photo 1 and photo 2. But in photo 2, the belly is not really tight. Got an appointment for another operation. Hopefully it works better this time.
Yes, I’ve seen this question… 🙄 But first of all, you should ask your surgeon or doctor, secondly you don’t see your belly on the picture, why you can’t answer the question, and thirdly, you see that through the surgery your belly fat and skin is less, so why do you ask if you know that you see a difference?
Then why do you ask?
No, the black shirt swallows all the light, you can’t see anything.
If you have reasonable pictures, you can judge it.
You see I’m slimmer.
You have different things and the room is not the same.
moin, I think it would be more helpful if you had made a photo on both pictures completely superbody-free and with the same light conditions, so you can judge it badly.
Yeah, once you have a shirt, you don’t.
Fun aside: The photos are so different in exposure, apparel, etc. that you cannot compare.
For comparison photos always choose the same camera, the same place, the same clothes and the same lighting.
Different spaces and clothing.
On the second picture you wear a shirt
No, if you mean the body. Such photos don’t show up for comparisons.