Sieht man bei einer Hornhautverkrümmung in der Nähe und Ferne unscharf?

Wenn ich Hornhautverkrümmung im Internet suche steht dort immer, dass man dadurch in der Nähe UND Ferne unscharf oder verschwommen sieht. Mein Optiker sagt immer ich hatte eine Hornhautverkrümmung oder auf beiden Augen (kann man ja glaub ich meinen Werten entnehmen). Allerdings sehe ich in der Nähe egal wie nah alles perfekt scharf und klar wie jeder Mensch. Für mich ist das nur eine normale Kurzsichtigkeit. Also für mich sind nur weit entfernte Objekte unscharf. Aber mit nahen Objekten habe ich absolut kein Problem. Außerdem bekomme ich immer Kopfschmerzen und meine Augen werden müde, wenn ich den ganzen Tag Brille trage. Das war allerdings auch schon der Fall bei meiner alten Brille, in der noch deutlich schwächere werte verbaut waren. Ohne Brille bekomme ich keine Kopfschmerzen und meine Augen fühlen sich gut an. Außerdem fällt es mir mit der Brille nach einiger Zeit schwer mich auf Nahe sachen zu konzentrieren und ich sehe nahe Objekte doppelt wenn ich meine augen nicht sehr stark anstrenge. Das war ebenfalls auch schon bei der alten Brille so.

Ebenfalls habe ich dann noch Kontaktlinsen. Allerdings normale und keine torischen, da mein Optiker gemessen hat dass ich mit normalen Linsen auch noch eine Sehleistung von ca. 90% oder mehr habe. Und wenn ich diese Linsen den Tag über trage bekomme ich ebenfalls keine Kopfschmerzen.

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7 months ago

When looking for corneal curvature on the Internet, it is always there that one sees in the vicinity AND far weeping or blurring. My optician always says I had a corneal curvature or on both eyes

The values of the cylinder are low with you, so you can hardly notice a deviation.

By the way, an astigmatism is measurable in almost every person, often it does not make itself noticeable directly disturbing. In combination with your slight short-sightedness, however, the correction of the low cylinder value will probably result in a better overall visuality, even if it seems subjectively hardly perceptible. So it is also the case with me; with me, the cylindrical values are, for example, as with you and with the refraction, a higher visus than with spherical values is shown with the appropriate cylinder than with correction, although I can hardly notice a difference from the feeling (but I am much more short-sighted than you, because the combination of sphere and cylinder can have a different effect in relation to each other).

I also have contact lenses. However normal and no toric, as my optician has measured that I also have a visual performance of approx. 90% or more.

At such low values, the compensation can function without a toric lens, since the tear film under the contact lens can compensate for a small deviation.

Without glasses, I don’t get a headache and my eyes feel good. In addition, after some time, it is difficult to focus on near things with the glasses and I look close to objects twice if I don’t get my eyes very hard.

If you’re somehow struggling with glasses, you should let your optician check if everything fits 100% with the glasses. Problems can also arise due to a not very precise centering, if there is anything wrong, such complications as you have described them can occur.

7 months ago
Reply to  whatatragedy

Super explained. be optician

7 months ago
Reply to  Novus1976

Although I’m not an optician, but as a medical student with basic knowledge in ophthalmology and as a short-sighted person, I agree to praise this great explanation 👍.

7 months ago
Reply to  Novus1976

I’ll join you. I am also an optician 🙂

7 months ago
Reply to  Novus1976

Thanks for the praise 😊.

7 months ago

It doesn’t have to. Your explanation is really good.

7 months ago

Thank you so much. So much praise is embarrassing to me

7 months ago

Thank you for your praise.

7 months ago

Do you see a corneal curvature in the vicinity and far away?


online search is always there

98 percent of everything on the Internet is absolute garbage.

However, I don’t care how close everything is perfectly sharp

Logically, you’re just short-sighted.

7 months ago

With the strengths you only see it with instruments. Be glad.

7 months ago
Reply to  Reyem755

These two axial positions are only 7° apart, since 0° and 180° is the same. The cornea is the foremost layer on the eye and can quite change.
Can it be that in the last glasses there was a plus sign in front of the Cylinder values?

7 months ago
Reply to  Reyem755

With me, the axle values have gradually changed. But…

7 months ago

That’s unlikely.

7 months ago

No panic, this is common for these low values. The values go only decimal to 180, because a semicircle has only 180°.