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First of all, I would make a lot of green stuff on it and Bacon, also a little ketchup.
Only then would I eat of it.
Looks like a microwave burger from grocery stores. I’ve eaten like this, but they’re not there, almost nothing.
naja, there is salat something speck and swirling
Soak dry, so without salad, onions, Mayo and ketchup. I wouldn’t want to eat like that.
For me, it doesn’t have to have a lot of things inside, it’s a big deal. If I were hungry, I would eat it
There’s a half missing, so no.
I’m sorry if I say that, but I’m getting really spicy.
No, he doesn’t look good and I wouldn’t try it either.
Actually, that doesn’t look delicious – it wouldn’t be eating.
No, not so delicious.
There is a lack of green cloth.
It doesn’t look appetizing. But hungry I wouldn’t say no. If for free. I wouldn’t buy it.
This looks dry and not tasty at all and I wouldn’t taste the meat patty with cheese and rolls.
The Patti belongs roasted and the rest looks incomplete and dry, so no I wouldn’t want to eat
No, thank you, it’s not a hamburger. I even prefer one of McD or BurgerK, and that’s a lot to say. I wouldn’t even spend 1 cent for that.
That’s what it looks like
It looks like Wauzi’s been bad.
Wauzi = dog 🙂
No, it’s not a real Hamburger… There is almost everything missing
I’m just disgusting about it.
I’m just saying
Jaa, that’s it.
Easy, you collecting the slime? It looks like predated and eaten backwards.