Sieht das EKG normal aus?erstellt mit apple watch 6?
Guten Morgen,
ich habe heut morgen ein EKG mit der Apple Watch Series 6 gemacht und hatte währenddessen kurz ein komisches Gefühl in der Brust. Im EKG ist dies zu sehen bei 27 sek dort sieht die Auszeichnung auch etwas andere. Nun meine frage sieht das EKG trotzdem normal aus oder sollte ich mir sorgen machen? Bin M23 habe einen durchschnittlichen ruhepuls von 60 bin recht schlank gebaut (65kg)und 180m groß.
ich gehe jeden tag 8-10k schritte und einmal jn der Woche ins Fitnessstudio. Außerdem ernähre ich mich recht gesund Rauche nicht und trinke kein Alkohol ohne nehme sonst irgendwas ein
The Ekg is a so-called rhythm strip, since only one derivation is present ( derivation I).
And the rhythm is a normal sine rhythm with normal frequency.
an extra impact is visible, but in this form has no disease value.
The rhythm is therefore normal.
Thanks for the answer 😄
Are you in therapeutic treatment due to your hypochondria/heartphobia?
Not yet! A 1 channel EKG of an Apple Watch does not replace 12 channel EKG with the doctor.
I race from first call to first call but is really difficult to get a place
With an emergency code from your doctor, you usually get an appointment, within 4 weeks, via the services of the Kassenarzt associations.
Was with the family doctor who measured pulse and listened to me and thinks it’s all tip top an EKG he didn’t want to perform because he meant that is not necessary the symptomatic comes from extrasystoles and according to his statement you can have 500 of them on the day which is no problem. They are unpleasant but not worrying
Your doctor’s statement is correct.
Go to the family doctor and show him / her … the cardiologists here are usually not present so often.
He wants to know nothing about Apple watch EKG😅 he was right about it
If a doctor does not consider meaningful, then … ♂️ ♂️
Tell him that.
In the case of appropriate symptoms, the doctor should be consulted in any case for thorough anamnese, physical examination, ECG, possibly control of various laboratory parameters, with focus on the heart enzymes. If pathological vulnerabilities occur, a transfer to the cardiologist follows for further diagnosis, such as echo, 24 hours long-term EKG.
According to their own statements, the FS suffers from hypochondria/heartphobia. A corresponding psychotherapy is indicated.
I don’t contradict him.
This, however, can lead to even less of this, so who fears a problem should always go to a specialist doctor.
The doctor is right. A 1 channel EKG of an Apple Watch does not replace 12 channel EKG with the doctor. An Apple Watch can logically not attach electrodes, such as the 6 breast wall drains to Wilson, in V1 to V6.
This is rather a “game app” and not a medical device. And a single channel EKG has only a very low level of intelligence and is no longer made by medicine for 75 years.