Safety switch on pistols?
This is a USP of Heckler & Koch
The switch on the right is the fuse, I think, s for safe and f for fire
But then what is the switch above the trigger for?
This is a USP of Heckler & Koch
The switch on the right is the fuse, I think, s for safe and f for fire
But then what is the switch above the trigger for?
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This is not a switch, but the locking catch lever.
And what’s he good for?
When the last cartridge is fired, the locking catch lever is pressed upwards by the magazine feeder and the closure (“slide”) is locked in the rear position. The shooter recognizes that there is no ammunition in the weapon. When the magazine is removed and a magazine filled with ammunition is pushed into the handle, you only have to press down the locking catch lever and a new cartridge is recharged. Thus, the gun is directly recharged ready for firing. This works (probably) on each self-loading gun.
By the way, I own a HK USP Expert, which is the longer version of the USP with sports visor.
Yeah, because somehow you have to take the magazine out. In the USP, the rear end of the trigger bar is located, i.e., on the handle.
Thanks for the tip
One more thing: Do all pistols have a switch for releasing the magazine? I can’t discover
Sure, if the club itself has weapons.
Can I shoot the guns from the shooting club?
At this age (from 14) you can shoot small-caliber weapons. So go to a shooter club in your area and ask if you can shoot there as a guest. If so, then you go with your parents there and shoot yourself under supervision. This is permitted by law.
No, I’m 16
As soon as the bullet is shot, the cartridge is fired, the closure moves backwards by the return. At the top of the locking catch lever is a small “nose” which is beveled at the front. As a result, the lever is pressed down. If the closure advances again, it will not stick to this nose until the last cartridge has been fired. Only when the sleeve of the last cartridge is ejected. the lever is pressed far enough upwards that the closure remains behind. Here is a video to one of the most famous pistols worldwide. The basic function is still the same nowadays.
You’ve never shot or shot a gun before. How old are you?
Ah thank you, interesting
And another question: Is the safety lever not in the way of the sled? On the picture, this looks as if the lifting on at F on the carriage
The switch above the trigger is the sled catch lever.
If the weapon is empty, the carriage will remain after the last shot. So that the carriage can be left forward again, there is this lever.