Sicherung raus durch Steckdosenleiste?
Ich habe vor ca einem Monat einen neuen PC bekomme und den an eine 3er Steckdosenleiste angeschlossen. Meine 2 monitore sind ebenfalls dort angeschlossen und ich mache die leiste jeden Abend aus und morgens wieder an wenn ich den PC starten möchte.
Allerdings fliegt abundzu die Sicherung raus nur wenn ich die Steckdosenleiste an mache.
Hat das was mit dem PC zu tun? Davor war das nie so. Oder ist die Steckdosenleiste kaputt?
Hat jemand eine Idee?
Although power outlets have a switch more and more often. Unfortunately, this switch suggests that it is a ‘main switch’. The background is, however, only to make the device after the socket bar, powerless.
The means that the contacts of these switches are not designed to switch larger currents.
In order to prevent larger currents being switched, the devices must be switched off or switched on via their own switches.
It follows that, when the switch is switched on, the switch must first be switched on to the socket strip, and then only the devices.
This has nothing to do with the PC, because it has to be shut down and is switched on when starting with a button. It would therefore never start with the switch of the connector strip.
However, if the monitors also have a probe, the switch-on current is naturally also limited here.
Possibly that it is simply the bar. In some switches, depending on the quality, “prellenge”. Not every fuse does this:)
The bulging is insignificant here. It is only important in digital technology. PCs, monitors, printers and the like are usually operated via power supplies. Power supplies are constructed in a sense so that any contact prellene is compensated.
If this is necessary at 230V~.
As a layman, I would say that your home network can’t process the high performance at once and accordingly the fuse flies out. It may help to start the computer first and then connect the monitors to the network. However, it would also be possible, as already mentioned above, to lie on the socket strip.
Many (new) PCs have large dimensioned power supplies in terms of power.
There are power capacitors. It’s like water storage. After switching off via the socket bar, this “storage” slowly drains over several hours (self-discharging, such as batteries).
If you switch the next day again, the power supply will get the full power supply. The empty capacitors now try to become “full” as quickly as possible, then a high current flows very briefly (switch-on current peak). If the monitor(s) and the auxiliary device are also switched on at the same time, their currents are also added.
This notices the fuse, thinks- hops there’s something wrong – and then switches off.
However, since the capacitors are already somewhat filled, the next turn-on test is no longer loaded with such high current and holds the fuse.
I once tried to explain this simply and visually and maybe helps You know that better in understanding
I guess: turn-on current too high through the switching power supplies.
The bar is probably fine.
You can test it by inserting the bar with pulled-out plug and then plugging the plug into the sockets. If the fuse then also flies out, it is highly likely the switch-on current.
You can also test it by connecting only two devices and plugging the plug from the third into the bar.
This is – THE power supply 👍
Try it: pull the PC plug out of the socket and then turn it on. Get another outlet bar and try it with it. The PC should actually shut down properly by pressing the button (porbing out with monitor) so that you can also test it without monitor, so turn on and shut down again. Connect it to the socket bar and directly to the socket. Test every monitor for yourself. With some logic you will find out which device is defective.
In socket strips without child lock, dust is often collected, which could also lead and trigger a short circuit.
Under certain circumstances, the fuse triggers because a “switching current” is too high.
Try another line!
Most likely it is.
But we don’t have the reason for that.
Switching power supplies have a high turn-on current and if one connects several to one bar and the current is too much for the fuse. That’s the reason.
yes that can lie on the bar
Let me guess: 3€ part of Aldi or cheapramsch?
You should pay attention to quality
which can also be… the line nix more and/or the automatic fuse, also possible
Can you? But you’re testing by catching the vacuum cleaner on that outlet when it’s nix, you don’t know the line or the machine