Sicherheitstipps für den Bahnhof (nachts)?


ich muss leider aufgrund Massenausfall meines öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs auf eine Bahn, die um 0:00 Uhr fährt zurückgreifen (Da lässt sich auch nix dran rütteln, ich MUSS rechtzeitig am Zielort ankommen und kann nicht später losfahren.)

Jetzt ist mir das Ganze natürlich nicht unbedingt geheuer, an größeren Bahnhöfen halte ich mich nach Sonnenuntergang eher ungerne auf, vor allem als Mädchen im Teenageralter.

Hat jemand mit sowas Erfahrungen ? Wie handhabt ihr Sicherheit ? Um Diebstahl geht es mir hier tatsächlich weniger, als um körperliche Unversehrtheit.

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1 year ago

I’m telling you, there’s pfefferspray and other items to defend themselves. How far away are the items you’re going to find out or find out are legal remains. In the end, you could defend yourself when it comes to physical attack. Of course, it’s illegal to run around with knives. But I’d rather be raped. Keep up best when there are some close to other people/women.

LG and take care of you!

1 year ago
Reply to  Wirschki15

Knives (all weapons!) can be taken from the perpetrator and used against you. I’d be very upset.

1 year ago
Reply to  HEsslhoFF21

So, you’d rather be Wehrlos and not a chance from the beginning?

1 year ago

I understand that you’re probably right, but I’d probably feel more comfortable with that. 😅

1 year ago

No, you’re talking like an ami. If you don’t have a gun, are you defenseless? That’s not true. You can talk, you can run, scream, call, because of pepper spray, etc.

But if there’s a gun, the perpetrator thinks you wanted to do what he would do with it. So specifically: You want a knife in your hand, but actually not really biting, but only acting frighteningly. For certain people, that’s exactly what the call is to show who’s boss in the house. So instead of being quenched, they’re just spying on taking the knife off. And of course they don’t think about threatening you. They’ll use it.

You started.

1 year ago

As a teenage girl, you don’t have to worry about it. Theoretically, every age group can do something at the station. You wrote you’re going to be out at night. That doesn’t seem to be a problem. It is important that you behave appropriately. This means, for example, that you take care of your valuables (by the way, bags or suitcases), people who seem strange to you ignore and try to stand up confidently. So you don’t have to be stupid or anything. To NOT, you can take a pepper spray. The use of pepper spray is legal, but please use only in urgent emergency. If you don’t feel comfortable, the police are close.

And of course, you should keep in mind that it is not harmless at night at stations.

A long text, but I hope you can understand.

1 year ago
Reply to  marie07834

Pepper spray is not lega in Germany. Look at what’s on the dose, “Only to the animal defense,” I can’t tell anyone who runs wild animals in Berlin.

The police’s task has gone, and they haven’t done their job since yesterday. To date, it has been heard by NO police officer that she has made an emphic for pepper spray.

1 year ago
Reply to  blackhaya

Wrong, pepper spray is legal in Germany

1 year ago

The most dangerous place in your life is your own bedroom,

but these are things that no one wants to hear and also become dead in the media.

1 year ago

If you have to wait somewhere, find a waiting spot near a woman.

1 year ago

Find a place near a woman.