Sicherheitsnadeln auf Konzert erlaubt?
Hallo, ich habe eine Hose die ca 5-10 Sicherheitsnadeln drinnen hat. Ist das überhaupt erlaubt das ich sie anziehe bei einem Konzert?
Hallo, ich habe eine Hose die ca 5-10 Sicherheitsnadeln drinnen hat. Ist das überhaupt erlaubt das ich sie anziehe bei einem Konzert?
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If you’re insecure anyway, I’d wear a different pants in your place. Or try to find a FAQ before the concert on the homepage of the concert organizer – there may be some information.
It’s likely to happen.
But why take the risk and not just put another pants on? Stay a mystery to me.
As an event engineer, I would say:
Safety needles are a safety risk!
Who guarantees me that you won’t get aggressive, and that other visitors will pull the open needles through the face?
So get out with it or other pants!
Otherwise you stay outside.
Sure, why not
Knives etc. are not allowed. But with safety pins I can hardly attack anyone xD
A piano string can also be sufficient 🙂 or a hairpin
I’m completely convinced. Maybe the special concerts you’re visiting.
Where there is frequent violence or something and you control much more strictly.
Okay, thanks 🙂 but you’re sure or not that I have to take them all out xD