Sicherheit, zweites Netflix Profil?

Hallo zusammen, ich habe meinen zweiten Platz bei Netflix für einen Freund fertig gemacht. Ich vertraue ihm zwar, möchte aber folgendes wissen: könnte er (gelb) nun irgendwelche Änderungen wie das Passwort vornehmen? Oder hat er weniger Rechte? Kann ich da was einstellen? Die Supportseite ist wie üblich komplett unbrauchbar.


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10 months ago


Now that with Netflix has become Mega Nervig, so I quit the club.

But your question was how sure it is.

This is my answer.

Short and Knap

  • You are the main user
  • He, in your family as a second user – But It must be with users and password as well as you lied within the app
  • If he entered the data in the browser, he would be on the flat surface as you.
  • If your partner does not come under the same IP as you, a query will come every day. Netflix sends them to you because you are reconstructed via email or phone. Example. Your friend wants to watch Netflix, doesn’t go because his TV isn’t in the same household as you – you’re sure you want to do that – say YES with SMS or with mail.
  • The query comes to your phone or mail address – have 10min time to confirm this request. And that every two weeks.
  • You pay – But password and user name is the same for all accounts.
  • You can do – I have – but it’s annoying mega. And that’s what they’re not.

I am now at Paramount + much better movies – but actually the same in green.

If you like filming and series – you just need Waipu TV – The Plus Packed and have everything full in the Waiputhek – so much you can’t even look.


Who wants to sign up in the Netflix app via your account – uses the same login procedure as you – and thus full access to account and bank account – as you do.

Because you are the main user and all other 100,000,000 possible further streams can only connect with your access password to Netflix.