Sich selber schneiden?
Ich habe immer mal wieder, Gedanken mich in meine Unterarme zu schneiden. Weil ich denke, dass es mir besser geht und ich die innere Leere füllen kann. Ich sehe Sachen schnell negativ. Ich würde aber die Gedanken bis jetzt nicht in die Realität umsetzen.
Gedanken sich zu schneiden? Was tun?
I often look at videos like people hurt and you don’t believe me. You disappoint your parents, you have to pay attention to your wounds all the time so they don’t ignite and the worst, it can make you addicted. Absolutely intriguing, I didn’t want to believe it in the beginning. You can really be addicted to scratching. If you wear a lot of hatred in you, I can only recommend gore pages. They helped me in my school. I had so much hatred in me and that’s where such videos helped.
Okay, thanks
Take care of yourself
I’m trying
Do not, it helps you for a very short moment, but after that it’s really bad again. In addition, you have to carry out SVV more and more quickly. I’ve got a problem with it myself, I’ve just been relapsed and guess you don’t. The scars and wounds stress and only trigger you more. On the other hand, so-called “Skills”, just look for Google “Skills against SVV”, you’ll find a lot of useful stuff.
I hope you can’t start with SVV
For what?
Don’t worry about it.
What to do: do not hurt yourself and seek a therapist
I don’t think that goes, and it’s very funny for you as a girl
Do you think that’s because I’m a girl, I can’t have any mental problems?
I’m really sorry for this inconvenience, I just want to help
I think he’s just poetry, doesn’t make any sense what he wrote there
I want to tell you that I didn’t understand you well. I really want to improve my German to understand you. do not think then write, but I’m sorry.
Next time think and then write
Thank you.