Sich auf Anime con versteigern lassen?
Auf einigen Cons gibt’s ja Versteigerungen (von z.b. Manga, Anime, Merch etc.) und nicht gerade selten gibt’s auch die Möglichkeit das wenn man cosplayed man sich selber versteigern lassen kann.
Ich und eine Freundin würden das vllt mal ausprobieren weil die Con in unserer Nähe die Erlöse an ein Tierheim spendet und wir gerne helfen wollen (und weil wir es uns auch lustig vorstellen “versteigert” zu werden) aber dazu hätte ich mal 2 Fragen größtenteils an Leute die sowas schonmal gemacht/oder dabei anwesend waren
1. Was war die höchste Summe für die ihr/oder jemand anderes bei solch einer Aktion versteigert wurde
2. Was passiert danach? Habe gelesen das man dann mit der Person Zeit verbringen “muss” welche einen ersteigert hat. Was habt ihr dann da gemacht bzw. habt ihr das überhaupt gemacht? (Und wenn ja wie lange?)
Dankeee schonmal für jede hilfreiche Antwort!! (fühlt euch gedrückt <<3)
I didn’t go with myself, but I only saw reports on YT and others told me about it. So it’s like you say the cosplayer has to spend 1-2 hours with the buyer. Then you sit around or go through the con or eat something. However, I would advise you to take part, I took your bio that you are still underage and it may also make creeps there 👀. Take care of yourself
No responsible orga would do that. Only for legal reasons and also for reasons of youth protection (which would make it a sign if people were “exchanged” there).
What you could auction would be, for example, the creation of a drawing according to the wishes of the Supreme Prosecutor (where your own limits also have proirity here). Or a photo session in your cosplay for the highest bidder (also here again that you can deny certain things, e.g. too strongly body-concrete poses). Don’t think that would be accepted unless you might have won a betbewer or would be an honorary guest (official artist).
But don’t count with the big money… it’s probably easier to go after a side job and donate regularly. Or to help directly volunteer at the shelter.
can hardly imagine that you sell yourself
Is meant more of fun and to collect field for a good purpose, really “sold” there is no one and all of you volunteer with
Then show reports where the people are ‘sold’.
Well, on the Dokomi there is that, you have to blossom on Youtube looking for Cosplay Dokus from the Dokomi or explicitly looking for character auction on Cons. Incidentally, as a “adult” one does not begin to sign people as pathetic. The questioner has only made a normal announcement, which is also true.
No one asked for your opinion. This is a conversation between her and her.
And yet, you see that I can. Instead of responding normally, it’s pathetic. And if you don’t understand, I’m sorry.
I like to defend people. And I also explained to you that this auction really exists. I don’t care if you ask or don’t, if you write something ignorant, you’ll know pushed in that look. And your pathetic sentence doesn’t make any sense.
Instead of responding normally, as an adult comes such an answer. How pathetic.
Just search for “dokomi character auction” and you’ll find it. The Dokomi is also not the only convention that does so to collect donations and also the largest anime con in Germany.
If you really know 0, you shouldn’t necessarily open a barrel and better keep the beak 🤓🤓🤓