SHURE SM 7 B, 250 Euro price difference. How much can you trust eBay and the sellers there?
Good morning,
While shopping for headphones, I happened to think about comparing the current prices of the SHURE SM 7 B. Since it seems like everyone uses this microphone, I thought I'd take a look at my favorite price comparison sites.
The microphone normally costs around €370-400 new. However, there are now several listings on eBay where the thing is being sold "new" for €115-120.
From the pictures, there's nothing particularly striking about it, and with a saving of 250 euros, I could imagine getting it.
Now, all the sellers have the typical Chinese names and are also from China. How sure am I that the microphone isn't genuine? The chances of that seem pretty high, given the price.
So my experience with eBay or Classifieds is that whenever you find an offer attractive, you should first look at the profile and look at things like when was the profile created? and satisfaction. Then one usually comes to real sellers, but with this price difference and Chinese names I would be honestly careful. If you decide to buy the product you should not pay with PayPal friends, you will often be deducted. I hope I could help 👍
How sure is I in the case that the micro isn’t real?
Buying in retail, then you get good quality. I think 99% are the “snaps” scrap.