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Kleinanzeigen Nachrichten?
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Kleinanzeigen Betrug oder OK?
Moin allerseits! wollte auf Kleinanzeigen Brillen für 95€ kaufen (Neupreis 400€), der Verkäufer aber verlangt die PayPal-Freunde Zahlung. Ich bin überrascht, da er viele Abonnenten und gute Rezensionen hat und sein Account ist schon 9 Jahre alt. Hat viele andere Anzeigen und so. Was würdet ihr machen?
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I ordered clothes at Amazon mostly T shirts, I also had them printed myself. I also ordered suits, shirts and pants. But if I’m less often the case, I’d rather go shopping in department stores if I need clothes.
Best regards
I prefer to buy something in the store – on site
Not so often (approx.1x annually) and if only small parts such as socks/ stockings, hose buckles, etc.
My friend yes, he is happy with it,I don’t buy anything online
No, not at all
No I don’t
No, I’d like to wear them before I buy them.
No, because I want to try clothes first.
No. I am not so sick and anti-social, rugged tons online at Amazon and not at home, according to the scheme: the stupid neighbor should be terrorized by the courierers and accept my stuff.
You can also say, “Take package on the plot.”
In the city, between the multi-family houses with rental apartments, the package is stolen. My amazon-sick neighbor goes so far that she can get in front of her apartment door. But this only halves the harassment, still I’m the one who has to push the DHL drivers to the door opener for the entrance.
Amazon is not like DHL. With DHL I always make bad experiences. But with Amazon only good.
Yeah, great. The other day, I was just sleeping at lunch, and the ass of DHL rider rang every half second with someone else, all over the house. Hardly he was inside, in the stairwell, he rang at my apartment, although I didn’t even push the door opener. This is what the Amazon disease looks like in practice.
Just don’t do it, let them take it to na packing station.
I never shop online
I’ve never bought anything online.