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3 months ago

I don’t want to talk long about the hot Brei it looks like I’m a minor and have to buy shopify before me

Don’t be stupid. Shopify is from 18. This is also quite clear in the Terms of use in:

1. Account Terms

2. You must either (i) be at least 18 years old or (ii) in the country where you reside and from which you use the services, be at least full year to open an account.

Next problem: Selling something about Shopify is a subject to registration and taxable trade.

You will also be referred to this indirectly in the terms of use:

To complete the registration of your account, you must have your full official name,
Your business address, specify your phone number, a valid e-mail address and any other information marked as necessary.

A trade is then present as soon as the points of § 15 Abs 2 S. 1 EStG are fulfilled:

  • Sustainability
  • Self-employment
  • Winner intention
  • Participation in general economic transport

As long as you minor besides the consent of your parents, you also need Approval of the family court, § 112 BGB.

You need within a month from the first act register a trade, § 14 GewO, and transmit the questionnaire for tax collection electronically to the tax office, § 138 AO.

When and whether taxes are due will decide only later. The Registration obligation start immediately.

After the end of the year, you will have to pay the income tax statement including the profit determination, § 60 para. 4 EStDV, and until 2023 the VAT declaration, § 18 para. 3 UStG, electronically transmitted to the tax office (Duty to pay). All this from you without a call from the tax office.

Any allowances may not change the obligation to pay the declarations. Without this, the tax office cannot consider whether they have been complied with. The above explanations are therefore: always to be delivered.

Income tax: Here the Profit (operating revenue – operating expenditure) taxed. Commercial or freelance income does not have its own allowance. There is the basic amount and all your income is included in it. Your second business, or any gross wage or income from rental and rent or pension, is also included. A mini-job, however, forms an exception if it is actually taxed on a flat-rate basis and your employer takes this flat-rate tax.

Trade tax: It will also be due to Profit. However, a fee of € 24,500 is deducted here.

Value added tax: So long Turnover is less than €2,000, you are a small entrepreneur. Then you don’t have to deduct sales tax, but you must also not pay sales tax and also do not withdraw the pre-tax.

If you are deducted from the small business (which means you would be bound for 5 years) or your turnover is higher, you will have to pay the sales tax. In return, you can claim the advance tax for your purchases.

Even if you illegally not registered should have operated the business without any necessary approval of the family court, but the tax duties to fulfil, § 40 AO.

3 months ago

“You must either (i) be at least 18 years old or (ii) in the country where you are resident and from which you use the services, be at least full year to open an account.”

At 14, there’s no way.

3 months ago


Online shops are for adults and not for children.

What you’re planning is basically only from 18J allowed – without exception.