Shisha und Zubehör beim fliegen?


ich fliege Morgen nach Portugal von Zürich aus (und in 1woche) zurück. Allerdings möchte ich meine Liebe Shisha nicht hier alleine lassen. Gibt das irgendwelche Probleme wenn ich die Shisha und den Kohlegrill (Elektrisch ohne Gas) mitnehmen im Handgepäck.

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3 years ago

Yes Normally, you can take everything up to gas and also to hand luggage.

I think you should leave everything up to the bowl and head in the suitcase otherwise you will say the stainless steel diving tube is an iron rod with which you want to hit the people together and the diffuser a muffler for a gun…

A coal igniter is also nothing other than an electric kettle and you should also take it to the hand luggage

3 years ago
Reply to  sgsdgsdgsdg

Can also call at the airport and ask if you want to go 100% safe, the people of security/police are launish