shetty steigt, was kann man dagegen tun?


mein Shetty Hengst ist 2 Jahre alt und fängt jetzt mittlerweile an zu steigen wenn man mit ihm spazieren geht. Ich weiß das das normal sein kann in dem jungen alter und bei der Jahreszeit, gibt es irgendwelche tipps die ihr habt, damit wir daran arbeiten können? ich würd mich sehr über tipps oder tricks freuen die dagegen helfen, bzw. wie ich damit besser umgehen kann, denn er hat mich das ein oder andere mal schon härter getroffen was natürlich auch schmerzhaft ist.
Vielen dank 😀

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1 year ago

Get trainers. Pronto!

Turn the pony into an art-friendly attitude, don’t rush so much and develop foals abc with trainer. He doesn’t need walks, he doesn’t need to walk, he doesn’t need to walk.

1 year ago

No, that’s not normal and absolutely not tolerate.

My mini is also stallion and 2.5. that doesn’t get on me or comes uninvited to my room.

It’s just a bit of a basic education.

Leading training, keeping distance and respect and of course you must give him the feeling of security

1 year ago

a) you don’t walk with foals.

b) order a veterinarian and braz what. Why didn’t that happen long ago?

c) You don’t leave children with horses alone. also not with small ponys.

d) I don’t think shetty until I see the pedigree. as long as it’s a backyard-extended little pony for me.

That was it.

and I’m eating all the crap if that’s not what’s up to yesterday’s asking.

1 year ago

which would help to leave it where it belonged to his fellows. In this time you can expand your knowledge about a responsible attitude, race-typical characteristics, professional handling, health/health ets

1 year ago

There’s been so much wrong.

First time, why stallion? If you’re so overwhelmed now, well…

Then, the little guy is only two years old. He’s welcome. Of course he can.
Normally, you have nothing to look around there at the age, so he doesn’t endanger anyone.
So you should first take care of the fact that the little one gets an owner with a clue and he should put him where he belongs.

1 year ago

Before you do anything, he’s castrated. You don’t need him for breeding!?