Teaching Shetland pony (care share) easy circus lessons?


I have a Shetland pony mare that I share in my care, and I was wondering what beginner circus lessons I could teach her? Oh, and unfortunately, she doesn't have a cavesson yet (the noseband is too tight), but I'll be buying a new one soon.

Greetings Tabea 😄

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6 years ago

e.g. No say (can be caused by tickling on the male comb)

you can also do well with a small hill. Show up, the horse goes up, turns on command and comes down again when you call it.

Put down, sit down, cry with a cloth.

I also taught my horse to grab a bark or a stick out of my hand when I annoy him with it;)

Spanish Step

football matches (with gymnastics ball) etc.

the imagination is barely bound, can also teach to listen to vocal commands and then put you on top.

This lady here has some suggestions https://www.cirkuslektionen-mit-pferden.de

6 years ago


there is a lot. What can she do? What’s the owner okay? That’s what you should do.

Kenzie Dysli has a great online course for circus auctions, which I highly recommend. If the owner agrees, work with it. Or even better with a trainer on site.

Best regards


4 years ago
Reply to  Hufpfote

I hope you will answer me two years ago. But why is it so important to explain to me the Besi? So of course it’s her horse/pony but there’s one more reason?

6 years ago

Ask the owner what you can and can do.