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1 year ago

Boah to be honest, you always have to look at the reviews. I have jeans from Shein who really looks like a 20€ jeans if not even cheaper, but also jeans that you can use with Zara or Bershka jeans can compare. Either the pants are a top or flop. What I always accept, because the delivery and the rock delivery is free anyway….

1 year ago

They are made of the cheapest materials. Are sewn by children and women who have to work under extremely inhuman conditions for a few toads within very questionable working hours.

Most factories are not fire-proof or fall-proof. There have been some cases.

The factories are hardly ventilated. It stinks and the air is very harmful to health. The workers have a little break.

Support you Shein and other Fast Fashion companies, you are for dead, disease, suffering and much more responsible.

The egoism of people is sometimes not to be overwhelmed.


1 year ago
Reply to  Lindameinname

This is partly not true, and if you don’t know, you shouldn’t.

1 year ago
Reply to  Fridaygirl20

I don’t want to get too close

1 year ago
Reply to  Lindameinname

With so much claims, you can certainly deliver some valid evidence, right?

1 year ago
Reply to  NianMao

You can find documents or sources that you probably mean on the Internet. Simply used the Google search and at the same time look at videos from Youtube, where people were on site and talk to people. Lg

1 year ago

Are you kidding me?


Who please is not able to use the Google search function?

I don’t know. I just wanted to know what your sources are. Google is not a source.

If it is not enough to see what is there, then it is probably due to a limited perception.

Strong words without reading anything from my side on the subject.

1 year ago

Are you kidding me? Who please is not able to use the Google search function?

I don’t think you need more. If it is not enough to see what is there, then it is probably due to a limited perception. I deliberately waived videos from any people who do not make any sources. If you should ask for your sources again.

1 year ago

Just put a few links in here, the ones that have most influenced you to put all these claims here.

1 year ago

They are cheap but they look good and are comfortable. I know many say something else but most people haven’t even found anything yet.

1 year ago

Cheap and manufactured under bad working conditions.