Hallo und zwar hatte ich eine Frage wieso kann ich bei SHEIN nicht über Paypal bestellen obwohl alles mit meiner Bankverbindung stimmt und bitte jetzt nicht mit „AHHH SHEIN IS DOCH SO SCHLIMM UND BILLIG“ das brauche ich echt nicht danke
Hallo und zwar hatte ich eine Frage wieso kann ich bei SHEIN nicht über Paypal bestellen obwohl alles mit meiner Bankverbindung stimmt und bitte jetzt nicht mit „AHHH SHEIN IS DOCH SO SCHLIMM UND BILLIG“ das brauche ich echt nicht danke
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What exactly is the problem?
Shein itself offers payment via PayPal.
Does the error only occur after forwarding to PayPal?
And if so, what exactly?
So I want to order my things then click on Paypal so then there is “you will be forwarded to Paypal” so then I have to have my bank details there so IBAN and date of birth but there is “pay them with a bank card or credit” so I will give for the bank card such my account number etc then nothing happens again
This sounds like you have not been registered with PayPal or have not linked a bank account or credit card to the PayPal account.
I had already connected to Paypal my account but there is always to update to pull down
Register there, link your bank account or credit card and then order at Shein. Or now switch to another payment at Shein.
What can I do about it?
Shouldn’t buy anything from Shein and Temu, many greetings
That was not my question
Sounds like the frequent security measure of Paypal that, in addition to the bank account, the input of your Credit card It is necessary.
This is – from Paypal’s point of view – for securing payment.
I only have a bank card
You know that a lot of retail stores whose workers are underpaid or why do you think you come from H&M or New Yorker from Thai China and elsewhere where people have to suffer enough?
Chinese clothes also come from China. 🇨🇳
Or do you think the Chinese are supporting foreign countries? They’re not as stupid as the Germans who are just funding the Peruvians a bicycle path.
I said buy in there.
Do you like China? And what is so bad about SHEIN now? Or do you want to cancel any cheap shop?
China has its own factories. They’re being paid badly. But many countries are still envious in China and rush their population to China.
Only those who recognize the beauty of China will recognize the truth.
But why are we talking about SHEIN so badly? All the other shops aren’t better with Thai etc I know where my clothes from H&M New York come I CAN READ but most people don’t even know what they support but the world is a bad place and all the cheap shops get the clothes from abroad Boom already cheap labor