Sharkoon s90 RGB Lüfter/Radiatoren laut?
Habe mir gestern eine neue Wasserkühlung zugelegt und festgestellt, dass die lüfter (Radiatoren) der Wakü extremst laut sind. Die Pumpe hört sich ganz normal an, aber die Lüfter sind extremst laut. Obwohl sie nur mit ca. 1000 RPM bei 32° CPU Temperatur laufen. Weiß jemand von euch wie ich das beheben kann?
Sharkoon is now not necessarily known for quality..I think this will be the point.. it works naturally, but keep accompanying this volume.
Build other fans, or turn around the AIO again if you are too upset
PS just saw in the other answer that the speed is not right. I also wondered, but was enlightened
The fans of the Sharkoon s90 RGB cannot rotate with 2800 RPM.
My mistake, I mean the pump turns me 3000 rpm.
The fans turn around. 1000 rpm
Then set them slower, higher than the minimum they only need to run from 80°C+.
At 90° C. at maximum.
Is the problem now fixed?
Bedenke, I’ve wired the three ventilators so I just need to control 1
Then down to 20%
900 approx.
How much do they have at 30%?
Found those on eBay classifieds. Actually, I just wanted to have this with offers. And to an AIO for free I don’t say no XD
So the minimum 600 RPM must turn? Because at 30%, they reach more than 600 RPM. Could be down to 20%
Then the AIO was a mistake anyway
I call Ryzen 5 5600
Ah and the minimum should be 30%, can then see if they rotate at 600 rpm.
Yes, it’s because you have a Ryzen X3D CPU, then I would go down 5°C at the limits.
So in the fan curve of the radiators in the BIOS I can adjust everything to, for example, 20%, and only at 80° e.g. 60% und at 90° then 100%?