Shadow in Eminence Staffel 3 oder Film?
Habe den Anime fertig geschaut und ich fand den richtig gut also er war kein 0815 Anime er war irgendwie bisschen anders der MC ist unnormal mächtig und krank.
Bei der Lache bei dieser einen Scene gab es mir Light Yagami Vibes aus Death Note aber kommt da noch was oder wie gehts weiter?
Kommt Akane nochmal vor wird sie das herausfinden das Minoru als Cid also Shadow weiterlebt also denke schon das der Anime ziemlich populär war und eine 3. Staffel oder Film könnte ich mir schon vorstellen,
und kann mir einer Erklären wieso Shadow so OP ist unbesiegbar erscheint wie hat er diese Kraft bekommen wer hat das ihm gegeben will mal einen krassen Gegner gegen ihn sehen nicht einen Möchtegern Boss der in 1 Sekunde wegen Atomic X weggeblassen wird haha.
Nothing has been announced to a third season, but a film is confirmed as a continuation.
In the action which the film will adapt, Akane would have to show up again.
Since I haven’t read the Light Novel (Roman template) until then I don’t know if it’s found out the Minoru was reproduced as a Cid.
There is no announcement for a 3 season, so Akane has only appeared in the upcoming movie.
When he lands on earth, and she finds him, of course, he seems familiar to her. But she concludes that he could be Minoru Kageno because he’s dead.
No one has given him his power, that is not as in most rebirth animes where a God/Gods distributed any forces.
He trains hard and experiments how he can further increase his strength. Which also leads to its high life span.
If anyone ever becomes equal, I don’t know, maybe Aurora or Diablos. Although I doubt it.
So thank you, the film goes further where the anime has stopped and if yes, the manga is already further than the movie they’ll get it sometime? Think it should be noticed that he is Minoru Kageno, maybe he says you can imagine. Regarding the power, however, there must be someone who makes him at least one round of KO or can briefly defeat I have no hate for the character I like the MC but he is a lot to OP it must pass an exciting bossfight, and the manga is enough for a 3rd season of material?
I’ve been looking at both of them now and I understand everything except at the end. Why did he return to his old world when he touched the black ball? And why in his old world there was also this kind of magic that the girl worked out of the first episode? And why is she called the Redeemer? I feel like I missed something.
Thanks in advance
With the Black Rose, Mordred opened a portal to another world.
Since the Diablo’s cult cannot control what dimension they open with it, they don’t usually use it.
The portal passed through the Shadow has had its old and new world connected.
At least you didn’t miss a story. Since it is only explained in the coming film, why there is magic in Shadow’s old world and why Akane Redeemer is called.
Alternatively, you can read the Light Novel or the Manga. Since the story section was already told there.