Sh Narben auf Oberschenkeln frei zeigen?
Ich weiß man sollte sich nicht schämen seine Narben zu zeigen. Man sollte stolz darauf sein was man alles durchgestanden hat. Auf den Armen ist es ja auch nur schwer zu verstecken und wirkt nicht so als wolle man die Narben jedem zeigen. Doch was ist wenn man tiefe verheilte SV Narben auf den Oberschenkeln hat. Sicherlich sind die Narben dort leichter zu verstecken aber es gibt nun einfach outfits, die ich gerne tragen würde, die aber meine Narben hervorrücken. Und das wirkt schnell so als wolle man jedem seine Vergangenheit auf dem silbertablett servieren denn die Narben sind nun wirklich sehr tief. Ich mache mich damit so verwundbar und ich weiß nicht ob ich mich je bereit dazu fühlen werde sie überhaupt zu zeigen. Aber ich würde gerne eure Meinung dazu hören und was ihr euch denken würdet wenn ich eine Person mit narben und einer kurzen Hose oder einem Rock sieht.
I met a woman about my brother’s chick friends who had sewn all her arms with scars. From the back to the upper arms, alkes was full of scars. She wore a pretty, shoulder-free top, had a self-confident attitude and a joyful glow in her eyes. And do you know what my first thought was? “What a strong woman she is.”
I used to be suicidal and have individual scars on my wrist. Someone with as many scars as they are, is damn strong in my eyes. Strong enough to survive all this. Strong enough that you could overcome all this. It’s not a weakness to have scratched. It’s nothing you have to be ashamed of for a lifetime.
People who have never had suicidal thoughts do not know how energy-consuming, tiresome and their ealising that feels. You don’t just put that away. And to displace such dominant, negative thoughts until they even disappear completely, that is a huge force act.
Sure, there will be some curious and some degrading reactions to these scars. But many do not see the “injury” of self-harm, but the struggle you have fought. And if you learn to wear these scars free and with a real smile, then everyone sees that you won this fight once and for all. If you want to dress the outfits, get them out of your wardrobe and show people how pretty you look at them. Look, people like to do as soon as anything doesn’t match the norm. You will not get comments and comments. People are usually not as condemned as you fear, most cell phone zombies will probably not even notice it.
Thank you. That really helped me!
I’d leave it.
Such scars are often disturbing for strangers.
I think it’s very brave if you don’t hide your scars anymore. And yes they are part of you and tell your story. I believe they strengthen your self-confidence when you show them. Of course, one or the other will look more intense, think his part or maybe make a stupid comment. You can prepare for this. Consider set blocks that you can then retrieve in different situations. Then you won’t be overwhelmed.
Perhaps the scars can also be overcrowded at the beginning or hidden under an adhesive tattoo. So you could slow down and test first reactions.
This is not pleasant to see for others, everyone sees that you are not mentally stressable. Better hide them.