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4 months ago

Würd say when the everyday inscraped job friends family is problematic otherwise have fun

4 months ago

Do a lot of cocks as I am single, but my everyday life does not restrict it.

Besides, it is horny, never a therapy.

4 months ago

Sometimes less and if it does not restrict your everyday life, then it is not a addiction either.

4 months ago

If it does not restrict everyday life, it is not addiction.

It’s one if you need emotional regulation when there are numerous problems and you can’t stop if you take bad risks.

I was addicted to sex (to call it language), currently I am no longer.

4 months ago

Sex addiction isn’t there, you just don’t have an increased libido anymore.

4 months ago
Reply to  Raphaelx1999

But sex addiction is called nymphomania

4 months ago
Reply to  GeschwisterDuo

Only a disease that was conceived to make money with it. Such people do not have an increased libido anymore.

4 months ago
Reply to  Babynat0r

Nymphoman, Nymphomanic syndrome, Nymphomanic disorder, etc. Are indicators for an increased libido that the average person does not have such a high value of libido

4 months ago
Reply to  Raphaelx1999

An elevated libido is NO symptom of it. In a sex addiction (to call it circumstantial) because you have sex / SB MUSS, although it adds a massive damage or even if you don’t feel any desire. Means it’s not really exciting anymore, but a torment.

4 months ago
Reply to  Loka95

Correct, I understand.

Libido is the pleasure, yet the libido can also be the feeling of having sex. This usually happens when bodybuilders take anabolic steroids. What is classified as sex addiction is nothing more than that there are harmonies that are too much.

4 months ago


4 months ago

Unfortunately, you just don’t understand what it is about and I’m tired of repeating myself over and over again. That’s why I would say we end the discussion.

4 months ago

4. Interaction of hormones and psychology

Often the interplay of hormonal influences and psychological factors is crucial:

Conditioning: If a person repeatedly uses sexual activities to cope with stress or discomfort, this can “reprogram” the reward system. Over time, sexual activity becomes an automatic mechanism to create pleasant feelings, which leads to a cycle of desire and satisfaction.

Sensitivity to hormones and neurotransmitters: Some people have increased sensitivity to testosterone or dopamine, which intensifies sexual desire. This can be genetically conditioned or reinforced by environmental influences.

In summary, sex addiction is the result of a complex interaction of libido, hormones and neurological reward systems. Sex addiction is enhanced by an overactive dopaminerges reward system and hormonal factors that affect sexual desire and impulse control. Hormones thus play a central role, but psychological and neurological mechanisms often reinforce addiction.

4 months ago

3. Dysregulated hormonal systems and reward addiction

In some people, hormonal and neurological imbalances lead to a stronger susceptibility to addictive behavior:

Dysregulation in the reward system: A chronic overactivity of the reward system, closely associated with dopamine regulation, can cause the body to develop a “tolerance” for sexual behavior and requires ever greater stimuli to achieve a comparable sensation of pleasure. This can create a vicious circle of excessive sexual desire and sexual activity.

Endocrine dysregulation: If hormonal systems, such as the hypothalamus hypophysis axis, are disturbed, this can affect the hormonal balance and lead to increased libido. A permanently high level of stress hormones such as cortisol can also change the hormonal reactions to sexual desire.

4 months ago

Two. Libido and Compulsoryness

Libido is the basis for sexual desire, but in sexual addiction this desire is often strongly distorted:

Disruption of control: In sex addiction, libido is often forced, which means that it cannot be regulated in a normal way. Instead of only addressing sexual stimuli, there is a constant, excessive desire that can also occur without concrete stimuli.

Mental factors: People with sex addiction often have difficulty dealing with stress, anxiety or other negative emotions, and use sexual behavior as a means to find relief. This is associated with a constant rise in libido, which can strengthen sexual desire beyond healthy or “normal” libido.

4 months ago

Sex addiction, also known as hypersexuality or sexual dependence, is influenced by a combination of psychological, neurological and hormonal factors that can all be attributed to libido (sexual craving) and hormonal fluctuations. Here are the main ways of playing libido and hormones:

1. Hormones and their effects on libido

Hormones such as testosterone, dopamine and oxytocin play a central role in sexual behavior:

Testosterone: The most important hormone that affects libido in men and women. A high testosterone level can lead to an increased sexual desire that can occur in people with a predisposition to sex addiction intensified. People with excessively high or particularly sensitive testosterone levels could be more prone to excessive sexual desire.

dopamine: This neurotransmitter is crucial for the brain’s reward system and conveys the feeling of pleasure and pleasure. An overactive dopaminerges system can cause sexual activity to be more intensely perceived as rewarding, which can strengthen addiction behavior. People with sex addiction often experience a “kick” due to sexual behavior, which is due to the dopamine distribution.

oxytocinandvasopressine: These “binding hormones” promote the feeling of proximity and binding. A strong desire for bond and proximity can also lead to excessive sexual behavior, especially if the person tries to fulfill emotional needs by sex.

4 months ago

I don’t know how often I should say that I understand the issue of hormones, it just doesn’t belong to the diagnosis criteria. Unfortunately, you do not seem to have any interest in listening or accepting other information, so I finish this.

4 months ago

It’s not about the desire for sex in itself, behave yourself with libido and what it can affect everything. Apparently you lack any understanding.

You can’t deliver counter-arguments until now, but only no, not correct. What’s not targeted. If you think I’m wrong, I’ll explain why.

4 months ago

I don’t know how often I’m supposed to say that hormones are explicitly an exclusion criterion for sex addiction. You seem to confuse “often pleasure in sex” with an actual disease.

But I don’t want any sensual discussions.

4 months ago

And I would wish if you understood that this is being influenced by the hormones, the number of hormones. Because what you call sex addiction is an excessively negative expression Libido, which is just as it is written in the definition, also occurs in bodybuilding when anabolic steroids are used. Just as the definition is, exactly that happens with hormone x chromosomes., if an increased value of hormone X chromosome is present, or if this can be supplied by anabolic steroids steroids

4 months ago

I mean, it’s what you want. I would nevertheless appreciate it if you first inform yourself about diagnostic criteria rather than judge.

4 months ago

And that means you have a negative libido because you cannot control your desire, but the pleasure is controlled by the body

4 months ago

In sex addiction, sexual behavior is out of control. With increasing addiction, the feeling of pleasure is less and less at all the focus. Those affected feel driven by sexual urge, they follow guilt and shame. They usually hide uncontrolled sexual behavior.

Exactly that can happen in anabolic steroids, and that happens when you have an excessive value of hormones.

4 months ago

And again, this is exactly what a sex addiction is about.

4 months ago

Apparently not, your hormones, affect your libido, whether it is negative or positive, is due to which hormones, and how much hormones you have in your body.

4 months ago

This is all very well known to me.

4 months ago

Please first inform what libido, hormones have to do with it. Before you discuss

4 months ago

Nevertheless, it is not what sex addiction is about. Please first inform what OFFIZIELL is considered to be sex addiction before you argue.

4 months ago

And again you don’t understand.

Libido does not always mean the positive pleasure, it can also be a negative pleasure, which means for the “sex addiction”.

Hormones that the woman and the man have determine the libido. Libido means not the pleasure I have now Bock. It’s as pronounced as the event is. As a result, you can’t have a bock inside, yet your libido signals you have Bock.

4 months ago

I think it’s different. You go for reasons that are diagnosed with a false sex addiction that is an exclusion criterion in real diagnosis.

4 months ago

You obviously don’t understand the connection.

4 months ago

Apparently not, because as I said, this is exactly what is NOT covered by this term.

4 months ago

With your words, you can see that you have dealt with matter, libido, testosterone, anabolic effects.

4 months ago

Then I am not here to discuss and justify myself

4 months ago

It is exactly the same as when bodybuilders take anabolic steroids for the first time, as the same symptoms arise. Through an increased testosterone, the hormones also change, so this increases the libido. And according to that, more needy than others, I’ll put it nicely

4 months ago

The contributor has only a higher value in libido than the average person, more not. And then one behaves like what one calls today “Nymphomanic”

4 months ago

Ahja ok