sex ohne kondom, schwanger?
Bin 14. Heute hatte ich sex mit meinem Freund. Der kondom ist gerissen und wir haben es nicht bemerkt. Er ist nicht gekommen und sein Penis war nicht ganze Zeit Steif. Er war komplett drinnen und laut meiner Perioden -App sollte ich meine Tage am 8.November bekommen. Ich hab etwas Unterleibschmerzen. Wir haben es nicht bis zum Ende gemacht, also ist keiner gekommen. Wir haben nach 1-2 min aufgehört , also mittendrinnen .Wann sollte man ein Schwangerschafts test machen oder zum Abtreiben zum Frauenartzt gehen? Und kann ich schwanger werden? Wie hoch ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit????
Heyy, I know how you feel. Go to your Period App and see if you are today on your fertile days or at the ovulation. I recommend you go to the pharmacy as soon as possible and get the pill after it!! She often protects you from such panning. The one I used to get was about 15 euros, but I guess you should take at least 40. Security and so haha. You can only take the pill 1 times a month, which is why I advise you not to have sex again this month. Besides, you’re 14 and can get you the pill without your parents’ permission. I really advise you to get her, because it was a great relief with me. Always this fear that something goes wrong with condoms so fast is really terrible. If you have any questions, you can write to me again (comments).
By the way, my friend used to get the pill for me and said that he would get it for his 18-year-old good friend (what was lying) so that the pharmacist really sold it to him.
Good luck to you and I hope everything is going well!
40 pieces?? Dude! What do you notice that you are constantly tearing the condoms? That’s not normal! Maybe you should choose another method of contraception.
What omg this came so wrong No of course I mean it should take 40 euros not buy 40 pieces oh gott
Please don’t ask Ok for advice, she doesn’t seem to have so much idea and her tip is not right
I have had enough idea I forgot to write behind 40 “Euro” you should not buy 40 pills
The pill after that is an absolute emergency drug and no pill that you can swallow after pleasure and mood. The pill then is not a contraceptive and also not a durable solution.
I forgot “Euro” behind 40 and I definitely don’t think she should buy 49 pieces so stupid I’m not
Cool, but I already knew
What I said still applies.
Okay, because you really should take them only in case of emergency.
Well, unfortunately you forgot to mention that you can only move the ovulation with the pill afterwards.
So it only uses something in a very small time window.
and dj have forgotten to mention that it is an emergency medication and not a contraceptive
When does your period app say your ovulation?
Was this not going you Now with your friend to the next emergency pharmacy and let you sell the pill.
If your ovulation was already, you’ll go to your gym tomorrow and ask him if he’ll put a copper spiral/chain as an emergency to prevent pregnancy.
If he doesn’t, you have to wait until you stop your period and then you can make a test.
If you are pregnant then you have to be a gyn that certifies your pregnancy, so you go to a pregnancy conflict of advice, this advice will be certified to you. They also call you a gyn of abortions.
At the mentioned Gyn you make an appointment for 72h after consulting
in this 72h, you will receive a cost transfer certificate from any health insurance for the termination
And a condom in most cases only irritates when it is applied incorrectly.
So let the application explain again